Saturday, September 22, 2012


The rain is blowing sideways...I wore rain gear head to toe for a simple trip to the post office this morning. Dreary, dreary. Not a day that is contributing to my motivation. I had great ideas about lesson planning and grading, but the ambition has drifted away. Bummer, but that is the way that it goes sometimes. We spent a lot of time over here last week, and we will spend a lot of time this week. I guess that I can take the computer home and work from there for the most part, anyway.

Things are going well here. My wife and I are expecting a baby in the spring, and much of our attention has turned in that direction. The kids are fun to be around, and my confidence level in my own skills has increased with time and experience. I can't really complain. Life is good.

Now I need to get some things set up so that I can work at home and get the heck out of this building...