Saturday, December 12, 2009

Later On...

The last big PD session of the year is over. Root veggies are simmering on the range-top. The light is beginning to fade. It is 4:31 in the afternoon. I wonder what the rest of the evening will bring.

We did not go to Bethel, because, although the river has frozen, there has been no snow, and riding on the bare ice is apparently not so good for the sled runners. The prospect for snow is not strong.

PD was OK. The biggest part of the day was solidifying the junior high school schedule. I also learned how to run the Scholastic Reading program. We will be down to two teachers and four different groups in the junior high. I hope that it works out OK. It will be interesting, which does not always mean "good."

I will be puzzling tomorrow over the question of what lessons to teach this week. I need to get two students through their phases by the end of the week. No challenge there...

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