Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Long Run...

Our trip back to the Lower 48 was pretty uneventful, once it got going. We stayed in hotels, played in the pool with the baby, and generally relaxed and had a good time. I got to meet one of my wife's high school classmates in Seattle, and we hung out with him and his family. I got reminded of how nice it is to fly first class. We had it for each leg of the flight. Free drinks, real china and flatware...such luxury.

Alice did very well with the travel, for the most part. She does not, however, like to be in a car seat. She made these feelings especially evident on the ride from Atlanta to my in-laws' house in Jacksonvlle, Alabama. Much crying and fussing. Of course, she had not been confined like that in over four months. Village life can do that to you.

We actually arrived in Alabama on the evening of Christmas Day, two days late, but happy to be in one place for a little while. We opened presents, had yummy food, and drank a few toasts. Ah, civilization...

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