Wednesday, April 3, 2013

SBA Day Two

Second day of group did very well yesterday under somewhat challenging circumstances. We are very crowded here, and had to press the gym into service. We built our own enclosure, and the kids concentrated and cooperated very well. I was impressed.

We are back again at it this morning. There were a few more stragglers, and there are a few more sleepy faces. I plan on making the breaks a little more frequent today. I will probably make them shorter.

Alice is a funny sleeper. She slept in my arms yesterday for a couple of hours while her mom was catching a catnap. I could have tried to put her down, but it gives me a chance to have a little quiet time with my daughter, and that is at a premium during the workweek.

Alice has a tendency to squirm and grunt while she is sleeping. Sometimes, she is almost dramatic, making very loud noises of what sounds like dissatisfaction. I thought that she would wake herself up, but that never happened. Of course, I thought it was extremely cute. Of course, I thought it was extremely cute the other night when she had a diaper blowout all over my t-shirt. I am an idiot.

The light comes earlier and stays later day by day. The ground is still frozen, but spring is clearly here. Even this testing silliness speaks to the change of seasons. We have already begun making plans for the beginning of the next school year. One significant challenge will be the purchase of an automobile for use out here. With the arrival of Alice, our snowmachine days may be coming to a close. Now all that we have to do is to pick a vehicle, buy it, and get it out here. Piece of cake...


  1. You intrigue the hell out of me. You literally packed it all up at the age of 55ish and started all over. Moved to Alaska, got married and started a family. Literally started all over. You've got guts.
