Monday, October 21, 2013

The Grind Continues...

We are in that part of the school year that I refer to as "the grind." Lots of obligation. Lots of demands on our time. Lots of places to be in, some at the same time.

By the end of the wrestling tournament on Saturday, my brain felt as if it had been boiled in oil. Sleep deprivation had finally won out over caffeine. Sunday morning, I actually slept in until 9:30. You must understand that I was raised by a guy for whom 9:30 represents the depths of depravity. Sleeping in for me on a weekend means 7 am, unless I am ill. Sunday felt a lot better, needless to say.

Our Little Bit decided to make last night an exciting sleep night again, keeping us up between the hours of 3 and 4 am. Our wonderful babysitter is leaving for Anchorage in the morning. We are having some challenges with substitutes. The problem is being solved one day at a time. We shall see how it all works out.

We are now in the process of taking after-school classes that run from 4:45 to 6:15 in the evening. If we get a total of ten, we get to take two scheduled in-service days off. One is scheduled for December 20, a day on which we plan to be flying from Bethel to Atlanta. Five will make sure that I can use our tickets. I am taking the fifth class right now. Merry Xmas!

I hosted a meeting of would-be high school speech givers in my classroom this afternoon. We discussed the categories of speech that they may choose, and the time frame within which we need to get ready. That two day challenge comes the week prior to Thanksgiving.

As I see it, we have about four more weeks of serious grind time. On the positive side, we do not have any weekend obligations until the Saturday before we finish the semester. That gives us a little more recharge time. The short weekends drain our energy, and we have had two of them in a row. The grind is hard. The good news is that it is very front-loaded. Once we get through to January, the road begins to run downhill. All we need do is to keep grinding for the moment.

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