As if I needed any proof that bikes and cars don't mix...for reasons known to someone besides me, I decided to cross the road ahead of a very nice lady who was driving at the posted speed limit. Unfortunately, the speed limit turned out to be 55 m.p.h. You will not see any pictures of her caved-in windshield, or my bruises. Yes, bruises. That was it. Nothing broken, ruptured, fractured, compressed, mangled, or anything else of that sort. In fact, I was out of the E.R. in about three hours. The look on the face of the physician's assistant when he gave me this news after the tests was priceless.
Needless to say, the whole thing didn't turn out that well for my poor bicycle. Carbon fiber is supposed to be strong, too...something tells me that the bike frame and the windshield took up the brunt of the impact. Better that way. Oh, and by the way, my helmet was cracked. O.K., kids, here is your object lesson on that subject. I'm still here, and writing this about 48 hours after impact. Still sore, but still kickin'. Thanks to everyone who helped, and especially the Cherry Grove Township E.M.S.
Now I can show these pictures to my students and say: "So you think you're tough, eh???"
Glad you are doing OK. No worries about merging into traffic in Napaskiak ;-)