Monday, March 14, 2011

Uff Da...

The little darlings weren't all so darling today. Even the ones who tend to be the good kids were flaky. I suppose that it might have had something to do with the time change and the fact that it is now light at nine o'clock at night. Although the change is new, the daylight hours are increasing at the rate of nearly six minutes each day. I am not so sure that it is going to get any easier to get kids to bed, and sleepy kids are a major and consistent bane of my existence. It was mostly a relief to be quit of them at 4 o'clock, and I usually find that I enjoy the after-school hours with my kids quite a bit. We will see what tomorrow brings. Whatever else is true, there are only nine Mondays left in the school year.

My poor companion in crime is sick with a nasty cold. The staff and students here just seem to be passing crud around in an endless loop. Even though my pneumonia has cleared, I still have a persistent cough. My understanding is that it can take up to four weeks to get rid of the stuff entirely, so I will be patient for now and hope for the best.

My kids seem to be taken with the enormity of the damage in Japan, and I suspect that it is a good subject to explore with them, as they keep bringing it up. It is horrifying to see the catastrophic damage that has taken place there, and unimaginable to think what it must be like to be living in the midst of it. The prospect for people living in the vicinity of the nuclear plant that is failing must be especially grim.

I suspect that it would behoove us to keep the people of that stricken place in our thoughts and prayers as the situation develops in the coming months. It will likely take years before the damage is sorted out and repaired, and it may never happen for a large section of the population.

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