Tuesday, November 8, 2011


As in the day before Wednesday. Not much to report. The blizzard watch for the thirty-year storm that was forecast last night has been canceled. Of course, that doesn't mean that the weather won't get funky here in the recent future, but perhaps the touch of the apocalypse that characterized yesterday's reporting may have been premature.

We have an odd week of sorts. There will be an assembly and early release on Thursday and no school for kids on Friday. We have our penultimate local inservice that day, and that is a good thing to be getting through. They are not events of which we are fond as a whole group, and the thought of a winter semester blissfully free of them is pleasant indeed. Now to wrap it up for this semester and the year.

We continue to hope for the slack in the schedule that will allow the staff here time for a semblance of a home life. It is a recurring theme in conversation and on Facebook posts. The loss of down time makes it hard to recuperate. I know that it sounds whiny when we have our summers off, but the intensity and scope of the time commitment out here is hard to underestimate.

All the same, the weeks flow on. The time goes faster than it did my first year, and even faster than last year. The holidays are here soon...


  1. I enjoy reading your blog!

  2. Thanks! I hope to be of some amusement to someone out there!
