Thursday, February 23, 2012

Done With That...

My last evaluation of the year took place today. During the first three years in the district, we are subject to multiple evals each year. If I make the grade, and get offered a contract for next year, I will have tenure when I begin the first work day in August. It will be a nice feeling. I can't believe how quickly time has passed since I came here nearly three years ago.

Tomorrow will be the day of the big junior high school tournament, which is taking place here. There are seven teams coming, which will make for a long and crazy, and hopefully, a fun evening. The boys' tournament last weekend was ok, but these are my kiddies, and that makes it different for some reason. I will be in the stands for the first game, and will be peeking out from the concessions stand for the other ones.

The whole thing lasts until the middle of Saturday afternoon. To make things even more fun, we are apparently hosting the LKSD school board meeting tomorrow morning. Madness, I tell ya!

I think (hope) that things went OK with my eval today, and that will take a fair amount of self-generated pressure off of me. I can just go on with the rest of the semester, and have a normal (that means crazy) life. I am looking forward to it...

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