Saturday, February 11, 2012

February Continues...

It's a cloudy but warm-ish Saturday, and we are at the shop here getting weekend work done. The hope that we have is that we will finish today and play tonight and tomorrow. Sounds like a good bet. I have a list on my whiteboard to erase, and if I quit screwing around on the internet, I think that it can get obliterated.

The big chill is officially in the rearview mirror for now. There are no signs in the upcoming forecast that suggest its return in the next week. It is amazing how comfortable 26 degrees feels after a month of -25.

The weather does seem to be affecting the kiddies somewhat. They are definitely sillier than they have been in the past few weeks. I suspect that there is more "playing out" going on, and thus less sleep. Fabulous.

This is the off weekend for basketball. The next two weekends will involve tournaments that will be held here, involving the high school boys and the junior high, respectively. Lots of work in the concession stand for those events. We are hoping to raise enough money for the senior class to fund a trip to the Midwest at the end of the school year. Events like these are big money makers for the seniors, and they are crucial to our hoped-for success. They make for long weekends, though. And they don't excuse us from our usual weekend necessities, such as grading, lesson planning, and the laundry. Oh, well. Only two to go. And we have a short week after the last one, which will give us a chance for a breather.

A couple of newsworthy events have been taking place here. First, there are some suggestions that tuberculosis is cropping up in spots around the Delta. That will be something to keep an eye on, for sure. I have also heard that the fuel supply for our electrical generators is getting disturbingly low. This will also be interesting to follow as winter continues.

For now, the focus will be on getting my weekend chores done. Maybe later, we can play and visit babies. My wife seems to enjoy that...hmmm.

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