Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Moanin'...

A columnist in Detroit used to run a recurring item with something like this title. I also find myself thinking of the Boomtown Rats' "I Don't Like Monday." The weekends are never long enough, mostly because they are relaxing, and ya can't get enough of that. Both my sweetie and I got the summons to steam last night, and I was happy to get it. It made for a nice bit of relaxation at the end of the weekend.

So now we return to the grind. This will be a busy week with basketball (a tournament, no less) at the end of the week. I just spoke with our boy's coach, and it sounds as if the big challenge may be finding enough teams with enough eligible members. This has been a bigger issue in the past couple of years, as the district has revamped its curriculum and grading system, perhaps in response to state and federal mandates. We do not generally know the explanation for these changes. We just get told to implement them.

We don't have any special or weird stuff coming up this week aside from the tournament. The weeks are beginning to dwindle, as we approach the halfway mark towards the end of the first card marking already. We will be done three months from Friday. It seems to be going very quickly...

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