Friday, June 4, 2010

SOME People May Have Overdone It...

12 miles in the morning, 38 in the afternoon...that much biking means that you have to drink water or your legs will cramp...SOME people fail to understand this.

But seriously, folks, it was a beautiful day yesterday here in Northern Michigan-sunny with temperatures in the 70's-a perfect day for riding a bike. And so we did, spinning over for a fine breakfast at the Blue Heron restaurant, and spending the afternoon exploring the beauty of Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties along the TART/Leelanau trail.

We capped it off with a visit with Chelsea's dad and dinner with my wonderful kids at a place called Poppycock's in downtown Traverse City.

The ultimate tourist experience, and as we walked back to our rental, it occurred to me how completely we could pass for that species of humans labelled the "fudgie"-an SUV with Illinois plates bearing two bicycles on the back...all those years of living through the winters here for naught-not even recognized as the long-suffering locals that we are. Pretty damn funny...

1 comment:

  1. Some people are just jealous cause I got to the top of Bunker Hill first.
