Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Grind...

It is beginning...that long slog that spans the time between the wearing off of the novelty of a new school year and the long breath at Christmas. There are not many breaks in between. Thanksgiving is one, but it is two months away. It is the time that we all must endure.

We have deliberately front-loaded our schedule with required two-day local inservices, and there is one coming this next weekend. We are working at the school at 7:32 PM on a Sunday night, and we will likely be working next Sunday at this time. My wife is taking two classes each week, which puts her home at 7:45 or 8:30, and we had parent-teacher conferences last week that went until 6PM. We cannot get internet at the house. If we want to pay bills or surf the net, or write on this blog, we need to come to/stay at the school. It feels as if we are always here.

We did have an excuse not to be here yesterday. We intended to work on lesson plans then. However, a local group staged a carnival in the gym for the local kids. It looked like fun, but there was no way to concentrate enough to get work done. We accordingly took advantage of one of the beautiful days of the waning autumn. We walked, we napped, we went to church. It was a nice break. Today, we pay the piper.

But there is no reason to despair. My lesson plans are done and mailed to the boss. I have much of my grading done, and I can finish it with a sustained effort over the next couple of days. The laundry got done yesterday, so that chore is out of the way, and my beloved just finished her homework. And, we laminated our voter registration cards!

It is time to depart for the home front and spend some time with our dogs and each other. A new grind starts tomorrow.

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