Sunday, April 13, 2014

Now For What Happened Today...

Spring is quickly coming upon us here in the Delta. The snow is mostly gone, except in shady spots here and there. There is still ice in the ponds, but it is receding fast. I drove my trusty 2003 Subaru Forester up to Bethel on the river ice road Friday afternoon. I would not have wanted to do that today.

It was a quiet and pleasant day, including lunch at our neighbor's across the hall, some quick lesson planning, and a walk with Alice. A couple of years ago, the village got an extension to its existing boardwalk system. There is now a very nice loop of approximately three miles that goes around the entire village. Because the light goes later daily, and because the weather has been getting nicer, we have been taking more walks with Alice. Alice has recently begun to walk some of the route herself. There is a straight section where it is easy to see oncoming traffic from a distance, and there are high rails that keep her from wandering into the muck. You can see the rails in question on the picture above, which was taken there a couple of years ago. It is the perfect place for a 13-month old with wandering footsteps.

I washed our snow pants this evening, so that they can be packed and shipped back to Michigan. I suspect that they will come in handy. Cadillac has some pretty badass winters itself, and the snow amounts can get to be pretty deep. Ironically enough, they had much colder weather in the whole than we did this year. I think you could convince a few Yup'ik Eskimos about the existence of climate change. Another good reason to keep our winter gear is that we plan to visit here in the future. And if this return to lawyerin' thing doesn't work out...

The baby is still cutting teeth, and not too happy about it, but I suspect that we will all get through it. Tomorrow starts another week. Next weekend, my father-in-law arrives, we get a three-day weekend, and the LKSD district dance festival will be upon us. More about that to come. But this week, it's just teaching and learning. We will see how much of each gets successfully done...

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