Thursday, August 4, 2011

Preparations Continue...

We continue to get ready for our semi-annual sojourn back to Alaska. Packing and shipping continue, although we are mostly looking at small items, as the big stuff is gone. Word is that our apartments are ready for occupancy, with furniture assembly to be completed (we hope) by the time that we arrive Sunday night.

These last days find us focused mostly on trying to make sure that we do not forget any necessary steps in the process of closing up the house, and making sure that we see as many friends and family as is possible before we step onto the plane on Sunday morning.

As I look around town on these last few days, I am struck by how much it has become a part of my life. I came here as an adult, and have ended up living here longer than any other place during my lifetime. I will miss it, but I am looking forward to returning with cautious optimism. A new set of challenges await us, and I expect that we will be up to them. Life will take on a few more changes this year, but change in life is something that I am getting more used to...

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