Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We made it back to the village without major incident or delay. Everything went smoothly, even if I do find the rituals of return kind of stressful. However, immediately upon our return, we found out about the death of a local young man that occurred Sunday morning. The status of that funeral has yet to be determined.

We had an inservice yesterday that is best left forgotten. More mandates from on high, and the questions are already buzzing about the three hours of training to administer a new test, and the indication from at least one site that those training hours will be the responsibility of teachers on their own time, outside of contract hours. This issue has been bubbling for the past year or so, and I wonder what shape this potential controversy may take.

This morning, I learned that yet another village citizen has died. I knew this man, and he was one of the earliest to greet me here warmly. He has a special place in my heart, and the news was frankly stunning. I found myself stepping outside into the bitter cold to compose myself and blink away the tears. Two deaths in 48 hours. This will be a challenging week. Fortunately, there are lots of smiling kids here today to lift my spirits a little. I am going to make the most of that that I can. I intend to ease back into this semester as gently as possible under the circumstances. Love and patience will be the bywords of the week. We are all just trying to get by under sometimes difficult circumstances.

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