Saturday, April 16, 2011

Things That Have Happened Lately...

My wife is scandalized by the fact that I failed to post here for nearly a week. I must point out that much of it is her fault. She decided to go off and leave me alone to deal with the stresses of culture week on my own, and now she is surprised that I spent a good deal of it sulking. She clearly does not understand my petulant nature.

It was all in a good cause, and now she is back home, so I can stop pouting and get back to posting. Snappy, huh? It was a week full of things happening of various sorts. With any luck, I can remember them all.

Monday was the first day of cultural week, and I was originally assigned to be in several different places at the same time. I was not sure how to make this work, but it did seem as if it would be a challenge that would be fun. The upshot of it all was that I ended up in the room where manaq stick making was being done, and that ended up being where I stayed for the week. Manaqing is ice fishing-jigging for pike, and it is especially popular at this time of the year. Manaq-ers use a carved stick to move the lure, and pull in the fish. Manaq sticks were going to be especially important, considering the fact that groups of students were scheduled to be going out fishing as part of the cultural week activities.

But now, the telling of the complete story will have to wait for a few more hours. I have been playing out in the sunshine for most of the day, and cannot keep my eyes open anymore. The tale will be told further in the morning...

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