Sunday, May 22, 2011

Packing... when you realize how much crap you have sitting around that you were just too lazy to deal with in the past. Even a small house with only two people gets crowded with crap. We are dealing with it now, as we need to before we leave. And we need to deal with much of it now, because I am leaving Tuesday morning. That still gives us most of the day tomorrow, so I see no reason for panic just now.

We checked out for the year late yesterday afternoon, so we are officially done for the year. Both of us were pretty tired, and I was seriously thinking about a very early bedtime when the call to steam came from Joe. I was glad to go-the third time this week. I got moderately cooked, and walked home watching the sunset at 11:35 or so. It was a good feeling, and I could see us hanging out here some summer, or at least hanging around longer that we have.

My pup had another in a series of nighttime seizures last night, and I have switched to having him sleep in his travel bag. He usually wets when he has a seizure, and the small pad is easier to deal with than the blankets on the bed. Poor little guy. He seems OK after the incidents, but I think that he will have to get medicated in the not too distant future. I am reluctant to start too soon, because he will need blood and liver function monitoring when he does, and that is kind of tricky out here. There may ultimately be no real choice.

I am enjoying my first full day of vacation, even if it involves packing and moving. We are moving at a relaxed pace, and there is no lesson planning in the offing for nearly three months. Nice. That alone makes this Sunday a day of rest...

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