Monday, January 7, 2013

At My Desk...

That is a little bit of a misnomer, seeing as all the other posts in the last few days have been made from the same place. Our "smartphones" support actual internet usage in only the most tangential and sporadic sense. In order to have actual access, we usually have to come over to the school. We are working on a change to that situation, but it is still going to be a while before we are operational in the teacher housing buildings. The other question at that time will be one of speed and capacity. The local phone/cable company has supposedly completed access to high speed internet service that does not depend upon satellite service, which is not high speed by its nature.

Anyway, I am downloading some information so that I can do some revised lesson plans for next week before we get to the weekend. I am trying to gradually get back on the daily schedule that we will have for the next semester and get off of the vacation pace. I made it up by 8 am today, which represents progress. The usual alarm time is 6:30 am, which some folks likely think to be quite decadent in and of itself. It is what we work with, however, and I still need to get adjusted to that, and I prefer to do it gradually rather than dramatically. Same for lesson planning. Most of my stuff is already ready, but I would like to have the rest of it done so that I am not spending quality time working at it on my last weekend of "freedom" for a while.

Word has it that a friend of the family just had a baby, which prompted my darling wife to message me the news here at the school. She is, needless to say, very interested in all events baby these days. We spent some quiet time last night chatting about our plans for our/the baby's future. It seems right and kind of exciting at the same time.

Now I am off to preview the online content for the health lessons that I plan on presenting next week...

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