Saturday, January 5, 2013


We didn't get up until 9 am this morning. Of course, we didn't go to bed until 1 am. I am afraid that we are going to have to get back into playing shape for the normal work day in a big hurry this week.

It was mostly one of our traditional Saturday mornings-phone calls back home to loved ones in Michigan, and we recognized at one point that it is just hard to get us to do much of anything on a Saturday before noon. Something tells me that that is going to change, and soon....

I got a new camera so that I can take an endless number of adorable baby pictures that I can then bedevil our friends with. I can hardly to join the multitudes on Facebook. Of course, I am going to have the cutest kid in the world...

I am excited to see a couple of responses to the last couple of posts. I am gratified to see someone out there taking a moment to read these musings.

As for Slaaviq related news, I did copy some song sheets at the request of our local choir director today, so the preparations are getting underway in earnest. I believe that festivities begin here Monday night. More as it develops...


  1. nothing wrong with a lazy Saturday morning, or Sunday afternoon watching football...that is what I'm doing while grandson is napping and hubby also. Kelly in MO.

  2. Ben, glad you are posting again! Still a regular reader and always enjoy your blog. Bob
