Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year

Back in PKA for 2013, although we actually rung in the year in Bethel (in our sleep, thank you). We had flown up from Anchorage, where we spent Christmas and a few more days, on New Year's Eve. When all the bags came out, we had two dog kennels, five totes (loaded to the max and maybe a little beyond), two backpacks, one small dog bag (Buddha), one duffel-type suitcase, and something else that I may have forgotten.

What we lacked was a ride down the river. No fault. We had ridden up with Joe, who was in Anchorage. Alex had his truck, but had to be at his VPSO job at 8 pm. He hoped for a quiet night so that he could get some sleep and come and get us around noon. Our delightful friend Sandy graciously lent us the use of her apartment so that the five of us had a roof over our heads and a warm place to pee (well, at least the humans did).

We looked out the window at the fireworks being shot off to celebrate the new year, and felt fortunate to be together. The new arrival is scheduled for March, and we will have six to keep track of at that time. I have this vision that we will end up doing the Mary and Joseph routine..."I thought he/she was with you..." Kind of unnerving, when you figure that Mary and Joseph were SELECTED specifically for that job. What chance do we have?

Alex didn't get his wish for a slow New Year's Eve. He was kind enough to come and get us the next afternoon, however, and we were back in our little home by five in the afternoon. It feels good to be back, and we will get ready for the second semester, which is bound to be eventful, what with childbirth and long-term substitute teachers. And then, of course, we will try to get the mess that is us when we travel through the busiest airport in the world with one more member of our little traveling circus. It will be...bliss.


  1. glad you are back blogging, I have missed your posts. I just happened upon your blog and have followed it since the beginning. Good luck with the new addition.

  2. Thanks so much! It is fun to pick it up again, and I am so glad that someone picked up on it! It gives me motivation to get consistent about this again!
