Monday, January 17, 2011

Back At It...

...kind of. Today was an in-service day, and we spent most of the day playing at being teachers. Lots of talk involving most of the usual cliches. Entirely too many uses of the word "rich" in contexts other than personal wealth and desserts. Incantations of the phrase "with fidelity." All of the usual suspects in the murder of language that is educationese.

I was shuffled off to the math ghetto where I have taken up residence by accident. I enjoy teaching the course, but I am often as baffled as my students. Nonetheless, it is what I do, for a good chunk of my day. Tomorrow, I will try to get the returning vacationers to review geometric concepts in preparation for a test. O joy.

Despite the dreary nature of the day's activity, I am glad to be back. I saw a couple of kids, and was happy for it. My bride and I are starting something called "Game On," and we will see how living like this for the next several weeks affects our mutual sanity. I have relatively little by way of prepared lesson plans for the week, partially because I expect to spend no little time reviewing basic concepts and wakening young brains back into the school regimen. I had probably come up with something a little more complex than that, so it will be an early night, so that I may arise early to prepare something more substantial.

Maybe I will have it together by the end of the week...

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