Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who Are All Of These Children, and Why Do They Keep Calling Me Mister?

Back with real kids, in the place of the perfect ones that we get in in-services. And they were real for sure, man. Not awful, just flaky. Kind of makes sense after the layoff, under the circumstances. We all got through it, and that will work fine for the moment. Tomorrow we will try for something a little more substantial, and I hope that it will work.

I challenged my students to finish the year on grade level for reading. If they do, they get to give me a haircut. They have been wanting to do it for the last year or so. I needed to have a target that they had a good chance of hitting. This group has a good chance.

There is not a whole lot else to report, except that my darling and I are having a diet and exercise competition, and it involves drinking a lot of water, among other things. I don't know how often she was hitting the bathroom today, but I was making regular trips. I will update the competition as the winter goes along. It will add a little spice to this time of year.

I think that my body is still on Eastern time, because I begin getting noticeably tired at 8:00 or 8:30 in the evenings. I know that it will pass, but for now I am just going to go with it and get lots of sleep. That is probably not a bad thing, given my predilection for insomnia. Mmmm, nice warm comfy bed...night, Napas...

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