Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Fine Day

I sold our Subaru today. It was a purchase that I was originally reluctant about, but it came in handy this year. It was a good little car, too, even if my junior high kids teased me about my junky old car. It wasn't junky. It ran well, only had 59,000 miles on it, and did everything that I wanted it to. It was really great on the glare ice that we had on the river this year, and it was nice to be able to take trips into Bethel to break up the monotony that can accompany village life.

I sold it to a nice couple from Michigan. I hope that they have the enjoyment from it that I did. It was just a little 4-banger with a 5-speed stick, but every time I successfully navigated the river in it, I liked it a little bit more. Godspeed to my little Bethel Beast.

I went over to Bethel at 10 and was back by about 1. The baby went to visit friends, and we worked on packing, house cleaning, and hauling totes to the post office. I got a text calling me to steam, and our 5th grade teacher and I went down to Joe's house. It was hot, and Joe started pouring right away. Ouch, but in a good way. Kevin, the 5th grade teacher, has his administrator's license, and has been offered the site administrator's post in Goodnews Bay. Longtime readers may recall that I went there in my first year for a district NYO tournament. It is a beautiful site, although it is kind of isolated.  He will go out there this week to check it out.

At the steam house, he told a story about stalking moose with a camera in the streets of Anchorage that had all of  us in stitches. The short version is basically that he had dumb luck in a couple of situations in which he could have had very bad luck. Kids nowadays.

We also found out this weekend that our neighbor will be taking a District Office job in Bethel next year. That brings the grand total of departures this year to five at site. We are going to coordinate resources over the next two weeks with her to make sure that we can get our stuff out of here, and still have something to eat off of.

Now, I have had a good steam, a good dinner, and the baby is home, bathed, and is headed (I hope) to bed. I would dearly love to follow. Tomorrow, we are having a sale. We will see how it goes. It was a very pleasant day.

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