Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It Makes Sense, Somehow

The soundtrack this morning is the Cowboy Junkies' Trinity that takes me back a solid twenty years. Better descriptive powers than mine are needed to evoke the emotional chord that these songs strike for me. Perfect for a rainy, quiet, contemplative day. The weather is just a bit raw, and it seems perfect for our last day in this building. Lots of emotions to process.

Things in my classroom are mostly clean, and the records are updated, and the reimbursement requests are finished. I am waiting for a COBRA packet so that I may purchase insurance coverage for the month of June. I have to check out with our school secretary, our maintenance man, and the boss at last. I am in no hurry. Packing can wait. Neither of us are in a big hurry to end this, which poses the question of whether it makes sense in the first place. We have already done that to death.

We are starting to plan our activities and the things that we need to get done upon our return, which suggests to me that we are beginning to make the transition in our heads. I suspect that it is a process which has to happen in its own time.

Being posed in the middle of a change is always a strange feeling, and this one is just going to last a while longer. It can't be helped. But it will be all right, I believe. I might even be sublime, and great, and full of contentment and happiness...I like to believe that.

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