Friday, August 7, 2009

Home at Last

I'm starting my second day here. Yesterday was the cultural part of our program, and I enjoyed it, down to our sad attempts at Yup'ik dancing. As we progressed into the early afternoon, the interruptions began to come fast and furious, because many of the people in the new teacher group had to catch flights for some of the outlying areas. In order to get some idea of what I mean, you might wish to go to, and look at the map on the home page. We have new teachers all the way from Mekoryuk to Bethel, and points in between.
For myself, I made a mad dash to the grocery store, caught a cab back to the cultural center where we had been working, grabbed my stuff, and headed to the waterfront. I got picked up by Joe Bavila, our site secretary, and rode down the river to Napaskiak.
I'm kind of settled in today, although there is still unpacking to do. Two of the teachers, Eric and Adam, went out fishing with Joe today, and caught 40 silver salmon. The afternoon found a group of five of us cutting, wrapping, and bagging fresh fish. There are some steaks sitting in the fridge now. Some local kids gathered around to watch and kibitz, mostly telling the kass'aqs (white guys) how they were doing it wrong. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon.

I like this place. It has a way of stealing your heart.

1 comment:

  1. Did the local kids show you kass'aqs how to do it right?
