Monday, April 2, 2012

It's Not Just a Blog, It's an Obligation...

Or maybe an oblogation...we are doing a diet and fitness game with the neighbors, and part of it is that you get points for doing a good habit. This is apparently it. Not leaving the dishes unwashed at night is the bad habit that I am avoiding. We get to eat lots of veggies (gas) and drink lots of water (pee a lot). But there is money and pride on the line, and apparently a payoff at the end of the school year in front of the student body. Thank heavens that the stakes aren't too high.

It was a Monday much like other Mondays, which meant that there was a fair amount of silliness, which I expect to increase as the year wanes. Testing begins tomorrow (the big state tests), so the routine around here will be strange and strained. However, we have only five more Mondays with the little tots, and we are busily arranging the details of the senior trip to Michigan.

We have to get to Bethel tomorrow to pick up documentation so that our pups can fly, and I think that we will drop the sno-go off for a tune-up. That is the busy life of a bush teacher up to the minute...more to follow in the morning.

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