Saturday, March 13, 2010

12:05 a.m. Saturday...

It's the weekend! The first relatively uncomplicated one in quite a few...I thought...but then there is this thing at the district office...and another next weekend, and another on the weekend after that. Not to mention a sink full of dishes, and filing to be done. Hmmmm. Time to prioritize.'s off to the basketball game! There was a scrimmage between this year's team and some of the players from years past. It was fun, and nice to see some of the kids that I know that have graduated and have returned for spring break.

Afterwards, conversation started up, which apparently meant that pizza was necessary, and that spread to a bull session on the classroom floor until almost midnight. This is how we spend our time here. Yes, we're all a little crazy, but I am increasingly convinced that I wouldn't have it any other way.

We had PD today, which does not stand for Penile Dysfunction, regardless of what you may think. I think that everyone is kind of burned out on the stuff at this point. I spent most of the time working in my classroom, correcting a few tests, and getting my filing ready for tomorrow. The kids in my classroom maintained their pace, working on tests and doing papers. I don't know how it goes from here on, but I am not complaining at all right now. It was a nice day at the end of a nice week, for the most part.

Monday is yet another inservice day. Grading papers. All day. We even get a coach. Yippee. Meanwhile, it's time to enjoy the weekend!

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