Monday, April 26, 2010

Betheling In April...

Just made the grueling flight across the river. Laundry is done, although I left a big bunch of dishes behind. I feel bad, but some people had other priorities. They were good priorities, but they kept me away from doing dishes yesterday. Then Joe called up, whispering the magic word "maqiq" in my ear. By the way, talk about a hot one. A couple of us are still smarting because the floor was so hot...we did, however have some good yuks about that situation.

I have two days of training starting tomorrow, so I am in the Long House at Bethel tonight. The two of us just seem to be coming and going returns, the other departs. I think this will represent the end of that for now, at least. I got to drop over to Shogun for delish shrimp in the Bush.

Schooling tomorrow, channel surfing tonight. I'm not sure how much I miss TV. Not so much in many ways.

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