Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Ice Adventures to Come???

Friday is on the way! The favorite day of student and teacher alike!! The kids are doing fine-moving along steadily through their work, and wanting to get more done. There is still more than enough silliness to go around, but I think that we are all finally starting to get our stride and getting used to one another. In many ways, it is too bad that the school year is almost at an end. I think that year-round with nice long equally spaced vacations would make more sense. Of course, up here, summer is vitally important for families who live by means of sustenance hunting and gathering. This represents a large proportion of my students' families.

Chelsea and the Rose exchange kids are returning Saturday night, and it appears that the plan is to do the snowmachine thing to Bethel to pick them up. I am assured by experts that the river is safe for travel, and should remain so through the weekend. It does appear that the recent warm spell is at an end for a few days to come.

Tomorrow we have PD in the afternoon, and I plan on a little serious spinning activity afterwards, and a leisurely Friday night.

I got to introduce one of my students to a couple of family members through the wonders of skype today. I think that she really enjoyed it. I think they did, too. I would like them all to get the chance to meet...

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