Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hello Darkness, My Old Friend...

Ah, the delights of 3:45 am...I have only just started the melatonin routine in the past couple of days, and it has apparently abandoned me on this night. So that leaves me, in turn, with the 3:30 ruminations...how am I doing it wrong, how will I fail, etc...

I did the exercise thing yesterday, and I have been careful to stay on that program since I have been back, so as to keep my mind healthy, but there are so many little kids in there and so much to keep track of and I am feeling a little overwhelmed, too, in ways that my waking mind won't let me feel. Oh, yes, and I think I am getting a cold-there is already one in the building.

But enough whining from me. It is early yet, and there are all kinds of hope for the future. The bunch that I have shows promise, and that should be enough, even for a cynical old man. I need to remember the promise of tomorrow, not just the fears...and besides, I never really liked that song...

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