Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Up On The Wall...

The kids were pretty good today, except when they fell apart...it is tough to get them to work together in group projects because they have a tendency to bicker. Someone says something, someone else gets his/her nose out of joint, and we are off to the races...we tried a little experiment with building the perfect paper airplane today. It was hard enough finding a place to fly, because the building is pretty crowded. We started, and then got moved, and then that reallt went to the dogs. I finally pulled them back into the classroom, and tried to have a postmortem on what went wrong. I think that caused me to really lose my patience. The backbiting gets to be a little much sometimes. Oh, well, we will try again tomorrow. The math kids, on the other hand, did pretty well. So, I guess that we have that working for us.

We did seem to have fun with a writing exercise. I am working on the writing process itself. We took a stab at free writing and word association, with pairs of kids coming up to see what they could do in 60 seconds. I also showed them that they can keep a journal, so that perhaps they can pull information from it in the future for expanded writing projects. I showed them this blog as an example of how they can try to get better at writing by doing it consistently.

Tonight was girls' open gym, and I hepled out a little bit with the preparations for tomorrow night's dinner. I probably could have justified staying at home and sleeping, but it was too boring to contemplate. Maybe I will catch up over the Labor Day weekend.

Tomorrow is Hump Day already, and it promises to be a long one. If I remember correctly, I had a cold last year at about this time. I just hope that I am not doing this all over again...

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