Monday, October 4, 2010

Over Again, or...Only 11 Mondays Until Xmas Break...

Yet another casualty-free Monday. A couple of the darlings were especially darling, and they disappeared for the rest of the day. That was followed shortly thereafter by a missive from on high questioning what changes would be required by the number of referrals coming out of my classroom. I don't remember making a whole lot of referrals, because I don't find them to be all that useful myself. I guess that I could be enlightened, but I have made a point of trying to avoid them entirely as much as possible. My partner might have made them. I don't know. I will have to have this proven to me. I am also not in much a mood for the obligatory self flagellation session that says that crappy kid behavior is a priori evidence that I am to blame. Sometimes a jerk is a jerk. No rush to mea culpa for me.

On a lighter note, I was able to have some fun with our new smart board today. It worked for a while, until I tried to use it with the fifth grade EDM kids. I would have thought it a natural, but they seemed totally distracted. I found out later that the situation in their other classroom got a little out of hand today, and this apparently came walking down the hall in my direction. Such is fate. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. It had damn well better be, because I had had enough of kids and bureaucrats and vacuum cleaners in the middle of the after-school program by the end of the day. So my lovely bride put up with my shitty mood (sorry darling!) and cooked some yummy steak and eggs anyway, and we got the dishes done and the laundry folded and put away.

We got over here kind of late, but it is one of those evenings where ya don't want to go to bed because ya want a few peaceful hours not lost to sleep. When ya go to sleep, the next thing is the next day's work, and that will come soon enough. Weird, I know. But sometimes I just need time away from the blue building that sits a couple of hundred feet away from my chair. It takes enough of it as it is...

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