Saturday, September 18, 2010

Arrgh-Lesson Plans...

Hate 'em absolutely. Even if they are a necessary evil. Hate 'em with a passion, even on the good weeks. Right now, I'm kinda stuck on a science plan. Part of it is because I am not that sure of myself in this area, and the other is because we have a new book that I am trying to absorb. And that is with varying degrees of success...

The weather is still holding nicely here-it is currently in the mid 60's, as it has been for several days now. Rumor has it that the rain will come back to the forecast in the next several days. Of course, it will eventually have to get cold-the days are getting shorter and shorter. Freeze-up will likely be approaching in the next 30 days. In the meantime, I am going for all of the walks that I can cram in to each day, and enjoying it.

Our septic house didn't get pumped yesterday, and it may or may not Monday, depending on the repair schedule. Sewage seems to be a continuing issue around here this fall, and we haven't even gotten to the frozen pipe season yet. Hope that the new neighbors next door don't have the same problem. They are here to work on a large new project that will be happening over the next several years. Apparently there is a significant extension of the existing boardwalk system in the future, as well as a breakwall/pier system of some kind for the slough, designed to control erosion. Sounds pretty ambitious, and it should employ some local folks, which will definitely be a good thing. Now if we can just get pumped out regularly...

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