Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15!

It amazes me how quickly time is moving this year when compared to last! I don't even want to go back to look at the old posts, because my memory is that they were pretty unhappy, and things are going so much better than they were. It is probably good to review from time to time, but I prefer to do that some other time.

The most gratifying thing that I can think of is the relationship that I am growing with my students. It is not perfect by any means, but we are emphasizing a positive behavior support model, and it makes me think constantly about how to approach counseling and discipline in the classroom. The kids are interesting as well. They may be absolutely intractable at some point (especially late in the afternoon), and wanting to stay after a few minutes later to work on a project or explore their computers. We are also starting to explore leadership roles for some of them, which is a concept that they may be new to. Interesting.

Now that I have this out of my mind and on to this page, I think I will go back to bed and hug my wife. I am lucky.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of awareness to realize what you have now is great.
