Tuesday, December 29, 2009
More Pix!
Time To Play Catch-Up
I have been behind in my blogging, because I have been away from the computer for several days. We have gotten to Cadillac, and have gotten the wireless up and running so that we can connect to the internet again.
The trip into the city in Chicago was fun, but I forgot to take my camera. Too bad-the stores were crowded with post-Xmas shoppers checking out the post-Xmas sales. I have been playing with my Kindle, loading all kinds of new books onto it.
We stayed an extra day in Chicago because of the snowstorms in the midwest and Michigan. despite that, the ride back to Cadillac was kind of dicey, especially the last 25 miles. I will be posting some pictures of the driving conditions. Monday was the birthday of Chelsea's brother, so we took him out to dinner at a restaurant called Red Ginger in Traverse City.
Tuesday was appointment day. My trusty dog and I both got our first haircuts in about five months. I went to the dentist and learned that I need to get a crown replaced. I can't get it done before I leave, but there appears to be a cavity under the old crown. I will have to get a temp put into place until June, when I return after the end of the school year. To make the day complete, the cable guy came out to install internet service and hi-def TV. He apparently was stumped by some aspect of the television connection, so he left that for me. Leave it to the lawyer-teacher to hook up the hi-def. For this they charge $50?
Tomorrow will be time to return to Traverse City, for family visits and shopping. It was suggested to me that the time would fly by during vacation, and I am beginning to believe it. I need to get my bike shoes ready for spinning class at 9 AM tomorrow.
The trip into the city in Chicago was fun, but I forgot to take my camera. Too bad-the stores were crowded with post-Xmas shoppers checking out the post-Xmas sales. I have been playing with my Kindle, loading all kinds of new books onto it.
We stayed an extra day in Chicago because of the snowstorms in the midwest and Michigan. despite that, the ride back to Cadillac was kind of dicey, especially the last 25 miles. I will be posting some pictures of the driving conditions. Monday was the birthday of Chelsea's brother, so we took him out to dinner at a restaurant called Red Ginger in Traverse City.
Tuesday was appointment day. My trusty dog and I both got our first haircuts in about five months. I went to the dentist and learned that I need to get a crown replaced. I can't get it done before I leave, but there appears to be a cavity under the old crown. I will have to get a temp put into place until June, when I return after the end of the school year. To make the day complete, the cable guy came out to install internet service and hi-def TV. He apparently was stumped by some aspect of the television connection, so he left that for me. Leave it to the lawyer-teacher to hook up the hi-def. For this they charge $50?
Tomorrow will be time to return to Traverse City, for family visits and shopping. It was suggested to me that the time would fly by during vacation, and I am beginning to believe it. I need to get my bike shoes ready for spinning class at 9 AM tomorrow.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Time to get my lazy butt into the shower...we are going to catch the 3 o'clock train into the city, there to do some late Christmas shopping for the grandkids...oh, yeah, and to take some Chicago photos for my correspondents back in AK...the days consist mostly of serious goofing off, breakfast and reading on my new Kindle...it's cool and I have bought seven or eight books already. I plan to buy at least as many more before I leave here. The process is really easy with a 3g network available-downloads take only seconds. I just have to remember to save the books for reading when I get back to PKA and do not have the wireless access.
Will try to post photos tonight...
Will try to post photos tonight...
Friday, December 25, 2009
More Christmas Stuff
Like basketball, and snoozing on the couch, and walking the dogs...going to the drug store and the bank...a fella could get spoiled by all of these creature comforts...I must admit to some mild culture shock upon arriving at O'Hare Airport, in spite of the fact that I have been there many times before. All of the stimulus was familiar yet strange at the same time. I can't imagine what it must be like for someone like the seniors from 2008 when they came here.
There is some loose talk about a movie in a few hours, and that will be a fun alternative. I have always been a movie fan, and I have not been to one since the film festival just before my departure for Alaska.
The big storm seems not to have wreaked the sort of havoc that was feared here, although it appears to have been plenty nasty off to the west. I think that the plan will be to head into the city tomorrow on the train and do a little post-Christmas Christmas shopping. If the weather clears, we will be heading to Cadillac on Sunday.
I have also been playing with my new Kindle, and will be loading lots of books onto it before I leave. It is a pretty neat gizmo. Needless to say, I have the type set for the maximum size.
Another dog walk is the next likely item on the agenda. That's about it for now...hope that all the readers of this little blog have a Merry Christmas...
There is some loose talk about a movie in a few hours, and that will be a fun alternative. I have always been a movie fan, and I have not been to one since the film festival just before my departure for Alaska.
The big storm seems not to have wreaked the sort of havoc that was feared here, although it appears to have been plenty nasty off to the west. I think that the plan will be to head into the city tomorrow on the train and do a little post-Christmas Christmas shopping. If the weather clears, we will be heading to Cadillac on Sunday.
I have also been playing with my new Kindle, and will be loading lots of books onto it before I leave. It is a pretty neat gizmo. Needless to say, I have the type set for the maximum size.
Another dog walk is the next likely item on the agenda. That's about it for now...hope that all the readers of this little blog have a Merry Christmas...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
In The Big City
Well, the weather proved to be no real issue. The plane made it here on time without any bumps or bruises. Rumor has it that the weather up the pike is not and will not be so favorable. Of course, this is a function of using those 20th century contraptions called cars. Of course, I have rented one-what am I supposed to do? It is large and nice and has leather seats and four-wheel drive, and there is plenty of room for our stuff that we need to haul (primarily dog kennels).
Tomorrow is Christmas day, and it is nice to know that I will be warm and dry and safe. Were that others were similarly situated.
Peace on earth and goodwill toward all.
Tomorrow is Christmas day, and it is nice to know that I will be warm and dry and safe. Were that others were similarly situated.
Peace on earth and goodwill toward all.
At the airport awaiting the boarding call. We went to bed very early last night and did the same this morning. The announcement is now coming, and I need to tend to some important personal business. I will post from Chicago next.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Made it to Anchorage without any unusual difficulty. Saw some other teachers from LKSD, and the Assistant Superintendent that I interviewed with last year. We are in a cozy, pet-friendly hotel close to the airport, and the Boo is snoring contentedly next to me on the bed. He is going to get a haircut next week, and he might not be so happy about that. All else is well. Beer and pizza at the Moose's Tooth (yum!), and a little relaxation of my own. Off to the airport early to go to Chicago.
The clothes have been laid out...the blue totes have emerged from their slumber...the dishes are washed and draining...Joe has called to say that he will give us and our stuff a lift to the airport for the noon charter flight...in short, the wheels are turning that will take us away, and back to the cities and "civilization" of the East. I have said all that I am going to say about ambivalence. Time for that is past. I miss it here already.
But now it is time to get done what needs to be done, and there are things back in Michigan that need to be attended to.
But now it is time to get done what needs to be done, and there are things back in Michigan that need to be attended to.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Itinerary
For those of you who are curious...First, a charter across the river (the ground transport thing is just too sketchy), then the afternoon flight to fabulous Anchorage. Overnight in ANC, perhaps to the Moose's Tooth for some of their great pizza and beer (if you're ever in ANC, don't miss it), then off to Chicago on the morning flight, which gets us to ORD (O'Hare) at 5 PM on Christmas Eve.
After a day or two (or perhaps three-depends on weather), into the rental vehicle for the ride to Cadillac Mi, the town named after the explorer, not the car. I am just hoping that the plow guy and Chris both make it there in time for us to make an easy entrance into the driveway and a warm house.
I will post as the opportunities present themselves over the holidays, which is to say as often as I get near a functional computer. Merry Christmas!
After a day or two (or perhaps three-depends on weather), into the rental vehicle for the ride to Cadillac Mi, the town named after the explorer, not the car. I am just hoping that the plow guy and Chris both make it there in time for us to make an easy entrance into the driveway and a warm house.
I will post as the opportunities present themselves over the holidays, which is to say as often as I get near a functional computer. Merry Christmas!
It Sure Has Been Interesting So Far...
I guess that this marks the halfway point through the year. One semester done, one to begin in twenty-seven days. I have finished, for now, my preparations for next year in the classroom. It feels very good to be done. My confusion has been lifted, at least a little bit. I still have a lot to learn, and it will probably be a long time before I have it all straight, but it is a start, after all.
Tomorrow begins the long journey back to the Midwest. It will be good to see familiar faces and catch up with friends. But I also know that a big part of that life is gone. There is no going back in the true sense of the phrase. I think that the momentum of life is almost always forward, anyway. I can occasionally give in to nostalgia, but I have always been suspicious of that emotion. I think that it is essentially negative. There has been more than enough to keep my mind occupied, but I also know that I have moved on in many ways. All this in only four and a half months.
The weirdest thing about all of this to me at this moment is that I can feel myself itching to get back into the classroom. I absolutely cannot explain it. I am not going to try to analyze it tonight. I finished my first semester as a teacher in Rural Alaska, and I am coming back!
Tomorrow begins the long journey back to the Midwest. It will be good to see familiar faces and catch up with friends. But I also know that a big part of that life is gone. There is no going back in the true sense of the phrase. I think that the momentum of life is almost always forward, anyway. I can occasionally give in to nostalgia, but I have always been suspicious of that emotion. I think that it is essentially negative. There has been more than enough to keep my mind occupied, but I also know that I have moved on in many ways. All this in only four and a half months.
The weirdest thing about all of this to me at this moment is that I can feel myself itching to get back into the classroom. I absolutely cannot explain it. I am not going to try to analyze it tonight. I finished my first semester as a teacher in Rural Alaska, and I am coming back!
We Are Done For Now...
The semester is over. There were many times that I thought that I would never make it this far, or that this would mark the end of my career as a teacher. I never succumbed to the popular idea that teaching is easy. I have watched far too many people and their perfect little monsters to ever fall into that trap. I didn't know just how incredibly involved teaching is. That little secret seems to be safely kept within the profession. I am starting to plan for my return. My junior high reading program is already complex. It is about to get more so. I'm not even sure that it could be run by a sub. I am getting ready to mix up my writing program more, as well...
I am glad to be here, and a little deflated at the same time. The little goofs drive me crazy, and I already miss them. It is very complex, to put it simply.
I am glad to be here, and a little deflated at the same time. The little goofs drive me crazy, and I already miss them. It is very complex, to put it simply.
The Last Day of School
There's a famous teaching book called "The First Day Of School." I wonder if there is one with the title above. It's only for the semester, but it is a big break. The kids were all pretty unfocused in the afternoon yesterday, and I see no reason to think that they will have any more focus this morning. We are out at noon. Some students are going to be trying to catch up today, and we will spend most of the day in the high school focusing on that. I think that the day will be more of a party for the rest of the school.
We had the annual Christmas concert last night. The kids were pretty cute. I will post pictures after I get them uploaded from my camera.
Here goes nothing...
We had the annual Christmas concert last night. The kids were pretty cute. I will post pictures after I get them uploaded from my camera.
Here goes nothing...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Many Tasks...
Got my student much closer to passing his writing class today. He just has a little bit to finish tomorrow and Tuesday. We went up to Bethel, picking our way around the overflow, because the temperatures have come way up in the last couple of days. There was a lot of it all along the banks of the river, and it was hard to find a good spot to get across. It was even trickier in the dark on the way back. Fortunately, I have an experienced driver on whom I can rely, and I was able (I think) to offer some navigational assistance coming around into the Napaskiak slough. There was a snowmachine swamped in the river right at the southern end of the slough, where it meets the main river channel again. It was in water up to its handlebars. Most of the water spots aren't very deep, as they are almost all right next to the river bank.
After all of that adventure, prompted by my need to buy snacks for my class (and someone's desire to get out of town for a couple of hours), we came back to work in the classroom some more. The little lady has wandered off to steam, and I am sitting here at 11:00 contemplating doing some dishes. There aren't many to do, but it would be nice to keep on top of things for the next few days.
11:29. Dishes done. Mission accomplished. Time to think about the junior high for Tuesday morning.
P.S. I understand that we have a brand new resident of Napaskiak today. Congratulations to the proud grandmother, and all the rest of the family.
After all of that adventure, prompted by my need to buy snacks for my class (and someone's desire to get out of town for a couple of hours), we came back to work in the classroom some more. The little lady has wandered off to steam, and I am sitting here at 11:00 contemplating doing some dishes. There aren't many to do, but it would be nice to keep on top of things for the next few days.
11:29. Dishes done. Mission accomplished. Time to think about the junior high for Tuesday morning.
P.S. I understand that we have a brand new resident of Napaskiak today. Congratulations to the proud grandmother, and all the rest of the family.
'Cause it's Sunday morning, and breakfast is on the way. Got all Yup'ik and stayed up until 1:00 AM after a good maqiq at Joe's. Very pleasant company and conversation. We all agreed that it was a good steam. A good shave after, during clean-up time. It is the best shave that I get every week.
The next few days will be busy, but we are almost done for the holidays...I want to focus on a student who will be coming in today to begin taking the test that will help to pass his writing class. I also need to get my reading class organized for next semester. And, of course, there are always grades...some of them are done, but I am waiting for some kids that are still putting in some work at the end...
We are having a little warm spell. It is 32 degrees, which contrasts favorably with the -16 from Friday night. There is some loose talk about a trip to Bethel, but it could get soggy. Time for more waterskipping???
Happy holiday times-church is a must for this evening.
The funniest question going around is whether we are going to do lesson planning for classes this week. Monday morning is given over entirely to an activity called Christmas around the world. We then have classes in the afternoon. Tuesday morning will be a study in contrasts, with some kids playing catchup, and some playing goof-off. It is a puzzlement...we are out at noon, or thereabouts. Then people will start heading for the airport in Bethel. I am not leaving until Wednesday, which gives me a little more flexibility...
The next few days will be busy, but we are almost done for the holidays...I want to focus on a student who will be coming in today to begin taking the test that will help to pass his writing class. I also need to get my reading class organized for next semester. And, of course, there are always grades...some of them are done, but I am waiting for some kids that are still putting in some work at the end...
We are having a little warm spell. It is 32 degrees, which contrasts favorably with the -16 from Friday night. There is some loose talk about a trip to Bethel, but it could get soggy. Time for more waterskipping???
Happy holiday times-church is a must for this evening.
The funniest question going around is whether we are going to do lesson planning for classes this week. Monday morning is given over entirely to an activity called Christmas around the world. We then have classes in the afternoon. Tuesday morning will be a study in contrasts, with some kids playing catchup, and some playing goof-off. It is a puzzlement...we are out at noon, or thereabouts. Then people will start heading for the airport in Bethel. I am not leaving until Wednesday, which gives me a little more flexibility...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I Hear The Sound Of Engines...
Which means that the games may be about to begin. Breakfast has been cooked and eaten, and the dishes are done. The toilet has been scrubbed. I believe that I am ready to make my appearnce upon the school stage. I have a student that is supposed to come in and work in about an hour. I am getting excited about vacation. It has been a tough semester, but I see little signs of progress. A couple of my jr high boys came up to sit next to me in the stands last night. We seem to be forging a few bonds, even if it is slowly...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Blogging In Bed
A quiet evening at the end of a busy day. More kids getting more work done. Some learning the hard way that they have to stay eligible if they want to play sports. Some working very hard to maintain eligibility. This effort will take up part of the weekend.
I am living the batchelor lifestyle tonight. Just me and my favorite pup. It is quite cold, and I am glad to have a warm, safe house to sleep in tonight. Gratitude is a lesson that I keep learning out here.
Tomorrow is more jr high basketball, more grades, some reorganizing my classroom, or my part of the classroom, and maybe church. Lesson plans for my return, and that should about get it done.
Time for bed.
I am living the batchelor lifestyle tonight. Just me and my favorite pup. It is quite cold, and I am glad to have a warm, safe house to sleep in tonight. Gratitude is a lesson that I keep learning out here.
Tomorrow is more jr high basketball, more grades, some reorganizing my classroom, or my part of the classroom, and maybe church. Lesson plans for my return, and that should about get it done.
Time for bed.
Catching Up...
...because that is what a lot of us are doing and will be doing for the next several days. Yesterday was our last full day of school for the semester. We will be here on Monday and Tuesday, but half of Monday is taken up with an annual thing called Christmas around the world, and Tuesday is a just plain half day. Many people are getting away to return to their homes, and a few will be leaving on Tuesday afternoon. We will not be leaving until Wednesday, which will give us an extra day for organizing and wrapping up, but may put us in the way of a storm that may hit across the country next week. I am actually told that there is nothing that I can do about this. Someone is obviously unaware of my proud family tradition of fretting about things over which we have absolutely no control.
In the meantime, there are still kids who need to catch up on their schoolwork, and basketball teams that need to travel, and basketball teams that will be playing here. There are grades to turn in, and lesson plans to prepare before we return. We have been told to leave two days of plans when we leave. Because we are not returning until the Sunday before school starts, I would prefer to have the week done before I leave. I do not want to have to think about it in the midst of travel from the Midwest to Alaska. I also hope to fit in a steam, go to church before we leave, and reorganize the reading shelves in my classroom before I leave. Not so much, really...
We had our staff Christmas party last night. They are slightly more sedate without alcohol, but only a little bit. I think that most of us are a little giddy at the prospect of three plus weeks of vacation. We did a white elephant gift exchange, and the rules were that you can take from under the tree, or take from someone else. One of the gifts definitely was not a white elephant as I think of it. It contained some very good looking fish strips and a set of ulu knives which had been made by James Nicholai. James is the president of our Advisory School Board, and the Postmaster to boot. His work is very good. That gift changed hands many times. I have posted an exchange between two sisters who also happen to be members of the ASB. As you will see, there is no sororal affection wasted on this exchange. None. You can also see Father Vasily wrestling with the moral quandry posed by "stealing" the gift from me. Much hilarity...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Flirting With A Cold...
Grrr...not what I want now. This thing has been nipping at my heels for a couple of days now. I don't want to fly with a cold. Please, please go away. Think that I will dose up with something and go to bed at around nine o'clock. With any luck, I can try to kill it with sleep. I need some rest, because the sext several days get busier. I want to get my grades and my lesson plans for when I come back done this weekend. That is going to be my big project for the weekend. When I'm gone, I want to be gone. No looking back. It probably won't be that easy, because there are a whole bunch of self improvement projects to which I probably should devote myself. Nothing like a treadmill, if you go for that kind of thing.
On the other hand, I could just drink too much and goof off for three plus weeks. But why would I want to do that, when I could be doing PD??
On the other hand, I could just drink too much and goof off for three plus weeks. But why would I want to do that, when I could be doing PD??
The Last Wednesday of The Semester...
And all is pretty well. Not so much with my junior high kids ( I'll call them The Knuckleheads for short), because they were pretty well at the level of near-pathological behavior by the time that I returned for math in the afternoon. I have no idea what got into them. They are a sketchy bunch at times, but this week had degenerated into some kind of madness that I cannot comprehend.
There is no alternative that I can see to trying to figure them out. None. We will be stuck with each other for the entire semester starting January 20. I do not care for the looks of that last sentence, all of a sudden. I wonder if it is possible to get some sort of doctor's excuse from all this...
Speaking of doctors, I got the bill from the hospital from my little visit back in September. I get to eat the lion's share of it. I thank heavens for the fact that I am not oppressed by any socialistic system of medical care in which faceless bureaucrats far away determine what gets paid for or not. Yippee. And please feel free to keep your comments to yourselves. I am not interested in what you think. We pay twice what the rest of the world pays and with mixed results. That is nonsense, but at least the insurance companies will come out of this OK. I was worried for a while.
The knuckleheads did do allright this morning. I showed them a movie called "In the Shadow Of The Moon," which documents the Apollo missions to the moon. The cynical, media-wise, know it all adolescents were actually impressed. They asked questions. They listened with an apparent sense of wonder to my explanations. One of them asked me what it was like to watch the landings on television. I told him, "The coolest thing that I ever saw." It was fun to see that they could still, despite all of the dissapointments that make up their lives, retain a sense of wonder. It choked me up, a little bit, for a minute. And then, of course, life went back to its normal course, as it always does, and always will. It was nice to step out of that for a minute or two, just the same.
There is no alternative that I can see to trying to figure them out. None. We will be stuck with each other for the entire semester starting January 20. I do not care for the looks of that last sentence, all of a sudden. I wonder if it is possible to get some sort of doctor's excuse from all this...
Speaking of doctors, I got the bill from the hospital from my little visit back in September. I get to eat the lion's share of it. I thank heavens for the fact that I am not oppressed by any socialistic system of medical care in which faceless bureaucrats far away determine what gets paid for or not. Yippee. And please feel free to keep your comments to yourselves. I am not interested in what you think. We pay twice what the rest of the world pays and with mixed results. That is nonsense, but at least the insurance companies will come out of this OK. I was worried for a while.
The knuckleheads did do allright this morning. I showed them a movie called "In the Shadow Of The Moon," which documents the Apollo missions to the moon. The cynical, media-wise, know it all adolescents were actually impressed. They asked questions. They listened with an apparent sense of wonder to my explanations. One of them asked me what it was like to watch the landings on television. I told him, "The coolest thing that I ever saw." It was fun to see that they could still, despite all of the dissapointments that make up their lives, retain a sense of wonder. It choked me up, a little bit, for a minute. And then, of course, life went back to its normal course, as it always does, and always will. It was nice to step out of that for a minute or two, just the same.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's nearly 11:30, and I have yet to post today. Very busy it was, too. Still flaky kids who just want the semester over with so they can play for three plus weeks. I would be mad at them, but I want pretty much the same thing. Really can't blame them. There is a fella just dying to come down and see me from the district office, so I need to see him at 8:00 am and get that out of the way. I need to get my pal Howard finished up with his reading, so that he can finish up and start high school in January.
My sweet babboo got her review from the boss, and it was glowing. I hope that someday, with careful nurturing and sunlight, to be half the teacher that she is. I am almost jealous. I really wish that I was better at this than I am already. There are a bunch of people, who have actually seen me in action, who seem to think that I am a little over anxious about the whole thing. One of them is my mentor, so maybe I need to relax a little and let it happen.
Our staff Christmas party is Thursday night, and I am being abandoned on Friday night in favor of the girls' basketball team. I need to get grades done this weekend, and we need lesson plans done up before we leave town for two days, so I am just going to plan the first week and call it good. That way all that crap is out of my hair before I leave for vacation and I do not have to think about it when I get back at all. So there.
Finally, we need to make up a visiting list, so we can see people before we leave town. Very necessary.
I did not intend to prattle on so, because it is time for bed. I like my job. I love my village. I hope that we can make this work for a while. Good night until tomorrow, Napaskiak...
My sweet babboo got her review from the boss, and it was glowing. I hope that someday, with careful nurturing and sunlight, to be half the teacher that she is. I am almost jealous. I really wish that I was better at this than I am already. There are a bunch of people, who have actually seen me in action, who seem to think that I am a little over anxious about the whole thing. One of them is my mentor, so maybe I need to relax a little and let it happen.
Our staff Christmas party is Thursday night, and I am being abandoned on Friday night in favor of the girls' basketball team. I need to get grades done this weekend, and we need lesson plans done up before we leave town for two days, so I am just going to plan the first week and call it good. That way all that crap is out of my hair before I leave for vacation and I do not have to think about it when I get back at all. So there.
Finally, we need to make up a visiting list, so we can see people before we leave town. Very necessary.
I did not intend to prattle on so, because it is time for bed. I like my job. I love my village. I hope that we can make this work for a while. Good night until tomorrow, Napaskiak...
Monday, December 14, 2009
One For The Books...
Well, that one is over...and am I glad. Rugged day-flaky folks all day. After-school was a touch better, but it usually is. It was the usual Monday in many ways, with sleepy junior high kids, lessons that didn't go anywhere, dishes and laundry to boot. The biggest difference is that in the past the day's difficulties would have really stressed me out, I mean in a big, bad way. No more. Besides, we are almost done with this rocking semester...
On the good news side, the dishes and laundry are both done, and the laundry is even folded. Yippee!
I am also told that my matrimonial prospects have improved two-fold in the past 24 hours or so, and that my blogging and dishwashing talents are to be credited with this development. I guess if I am able to stick around here, and if I am ever bereaved, I need not worry. It's nice to know that I have that situation covered.
I get the impression that readership may have expanded since the link to this blog on ADN last week. I hope that all you faithful readers are enjoying my attempts to tell a story that has some interest and maybe the occasional laugh. Feel free to comment as the fit takes you. I always like to know if I have gotten something wrong, or can improve this little endeavor in some way.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, and that is exactly one week before the end of the semester. Glory halleujah.
On the good news side, the dishes and laundry are both done, and the laundry is even folded. Yippee!
I am also told that my matrimonial prospects have improved two-fold in the past 24 hours or so, and that my blogging and dishwashing talents are to be credited with this development. I guess if I am able to stick around here, and if I am ever bereaved, I need not worry. It's nice to know that I have that situation covered.
I get the impression that readership may have expanded since the link to this blog on ADN last week. I hope that all you faithful readers are enjoying my attempts to tell a story that has some interest and maybe the occasional laugh. Feel free to comment as the fit takes you. I always like to know if I have gotten something wrong, or can improve this little endeavor in some way.
Tomorrow is Tuesday, and that is exactly one week before the end of the semester. Glory halleujah.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday Night After Church...
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, and that is good. We had a missing prodigal, and that stirred some blood pressures around here, but it wasn't long before the sheep was returned to the fold. I was happy to hear the news, and life progressed from there.
I saw Jason, one of our friends, and congratulated him on his upcoming marriage plans. He wanted to congratulate me, but I pride myself on being a moving target...we saw him and his intended, Dana, at church, and they came over for lasagna and tea. All four of us rode back in the cab of his pickup, which was a very intimate ride (old fashioned single bench seat).
Church was nice. I like to go a lot, and probably see myself doing it more regularly after we get back. When I go, I find myself wondering why I don't more often. I think that I really just go for the warm hugs that I get from Fathers Vasily and Victor. I always feel so accepted there.
Jason and Dana didn't stick around for cake, and it was suggested that we go visiting with it, but I am still having a hard time getting my head around the concept of "just dropping in" at nine o'clock on a Sunday night. We need to get out this week, though, because there are definitely people that I want to see before we leave on the 23d. I am so torn about going, and I really am confused about why it keeps coming back into my head like this. I thought at first that it was the logistical nightmare involved with travel. I am not sure that explains it.
I like it here. I like walking to work, not having a TV, and going steaming. I like walking around without a wallet or cash for weeks at a time. I like not having a car. I like living like this. I want to stay. It's really as simple as that. I have felt an attraction here the first time that I came here. It has gotten stronger every time that I visited. I have been here for four and a half months now, and it continues to grow. I would like to stay here for the holidays. I should go home and see the family, though. Maybe next year...
I saw Jason, one of our friends, and congratulated him on his upcoming marriage plans. He wanted to congratulate me, but I pride myself on being a moving target...we saw him and his intended, Dana, at church, and they came over for lasagna and tea. All four of us rode back in the cab of his pickup, which was a very intimate ride (old fashioned single bench seat).
Church was nice. I like to go a lot, and probably see myself doing it more regularly after we get back. When I go, I find myself wondering why I don't more often. I think that I really just go for the warm hugs that I get from Fathers Vasily and Victor. I always feel so accepted there.
Jason and Dana didn't stick around for cake, and it was suggested that we go visiting with it, but I am still having a hard time getting my head around the concept of "just dropping in" at nine o'clock on a Sunday night. We need to get out this week, though, because there are definitely people that I want to see before we leave on the 23d. I am so torn about going, and I really am confused about why it keeps coming back into my head like this. I thought at first that it was the logistical nightmare involved with travel. I am not sure that explains it.
I like it here. I like walking to work, not having a TV, and going steaming. I like walking around without a wallet or cash for weeks at a time. I like not having a car. I like living like this. I want to stay. It's really as simple as that. I have felt an attraction here the first time that I came here. It has gotten stronger every time that I visited. I have been here for four and a half months now, and it continues to grow. I would like to stay here for the holidays. I should go home and see the family, though. Maybe next year...
Because the blogger software tells me that there is already a post called "Sleepy." I got up at the crack of nine 'o' clock this morning, and it is still pretty dark out. I did get a snap of the sliver of moon that hung low in the sky in the south. The sun does not get much higher on the horizon throughout the day. It is very low and pretty pale. I wonder what it must be like farther north.
We had a steam at Joe's last night. I was laying on the floor, getting low in the heat, when Joe pointed out to me that my ass was purple. I checked later. It is. I took a slip on the ice last Sunday when I had the Boo out, and hit the edge of a stair with my tush. It is quite colorful. It was kind of smarty to sleep on that side for several nights.
I had no such difficulty after the steam and some melatonin. I slept pretty hard last night. I am still kind of fuzzy, but am trying to get some coffee into me so that I can wake up. There was some loose talk about going to church, but I think that it will happen tonight. I am going to ask Father if it is permissible to take photos in the church, as I understand it is decorated very nicely for the season. I would like to be able to show friends and family back home part of the story of my life out here, and the church is a part of it, even if it is a sporadic part.
I am not an especially religious person, but I do enjoy the peaceful contemplation that going to the church affords me. I also always enjoy seeing the Fathers there. The beauty of the ceremonies is also part of the attraction.
All of these small, quiet things, the church, the maqiq, the people here and their lives, make me want to stay here, make me want to settle down here and make it my home. It may never be for a lot of different reasons, but I would like it.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Later On...
The last big PD session of the year is over. Root veggies are simmering on the range-top. The light is beginning to fade. It is 4:31 in the afternoon. I wonder what the rest of the evening will bring.
We did not go to Bethel, because, although the river has frozen, there has been no snow, and riding on the bare ice is apparently not so good for the sled runners. The prospect for snow is not strong.
PD was OK. The biggest part of the day was solidifying the junior high school schedule. I also learned how to run the Scholastic Reading program. We will be down to two teachers and four different groups in the junior high. I hope that it works out OK. It will be interesting, which does not always mean "good."
I will be puzzling tomorrow over the question of what lessons to teach this week. I need to get two students through their phases by the end of the week. No challenge there...
We did not go to Bethel, because, although the river has frozen, there has been no snow, and riding on the bare ice is apparently not so good for the sled runners. The prospect for snow is not strong.
PD was OK. The biggest part of the day was solidifying the junior high school schedule. I also learned how to run the Scholastic Reading program. We will be down to two teachers and four different groups in the junior high. I hope that it works out OK. It will be interesting, which does not always mean "good."
I will be puzzling tomorrow over the question of what lessons to teach this week. I need to get two students through their phases by the end of the week. No challenge there...
No posts yesterday, because of our Long Day's Journey Into PD...it was reasonably informative. We are working on positive behavioral supports, and an assessment/tutoring program called Skills Alaska. The fog is rolling in this morning, so we may be sort of isolated for a while. I will post later today.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year...
But I have not done much more than a lick of Christmas shopping, and I don't know when exactly I am likely to have the chance to do it. There aren't a lot of shopping malls in Napas...I don't mind that very much, but it does complicate that part of life.
Not much to say about the day. It was busy, and I feel as if I am beginning to have a few more successes, and I am happy about that. We have our last long inservice of the year (ah, nostalgia!) tomorrow night and Saturday. The last full week of school starts Monday. It is all flying by at an increasing rate of speed.
Loose talk about dinner in Bethel, either tomorrow night or Saturday. Depends on the weather. We need snow. It feels funny to wish for snow. It hasn't really been a part of my life for a long time.
Not much to say about the day. It was busy, and I feel as if I am beginning to have a few more successes, and I am happy about that. We have our last long inservice of the year (ah, nostalgia!) tomorrow night and Saturday. The last full week of school starts Monday. It is all flying by at an increasing rate of speed.
Loose talk about dinner in Bethel, either tomorrow night or Saturday. Depends on the weather. We need snow. It feels funny to wish for snow. It hasn't really been a part of my life for a long time.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Chained To The Keyboard...
...but in a good way. I have been exchanging IM's with a lot of people tonight. I have actually started to lose track of everyone that I have communicated with. Let's see: Erin, Pricia, Woody, Stacey, Carl, Ashley, and Betty Walters. It has been fun, and the dishes are almost washed. This blog was apparently the object of a little attention from the Anchorage Daily News today. They excerpted, and linked to a passage from last night's post. I hope that some new folks get the chance to come here and enjoy themselves. Someone did point out my imperfect understanding of tundra tea, and I have tried to correct that error. It does not contain mosses. It is a small heather that grows on the tundra. This is what happens when you do not ask the question directly of the local folks. It was very good, and that is what matters most.
Ashley is still "on the line." She is one of our graduates from 2009, and is currently attending UAF. We are talking about movies, and the Traverse City Film Festival. I would like to figure out a way to be able to let her see the place for herself. Hmmmm-dear readers, any interesting ideas?? I have a few of my own, but any that you care to offer will be gratefully accepted...
Ashley is still "on the line." She is one of our graduates from 2009, and is currently attending UAF. We are talking about movies, and the Traverse City Film Festival. I would like to figure out a way to be able to let her see the place for herself. Hmmmm-dear readers, any interesting ideas?? I have a few of my own, but any that you care to offer will be gratefully accepted...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Of Stolen Police Cars and Tundra Tea...
So, where do I start with this day?? It was slightly screwy early on. My junior high co-teacher announced at about 8:35 that she was going home, as she didn't feel well. Needless to say, that started the day out on an exciting footing. The last sub in the village who is apparently willing to work with this group got there a short time thereafter. The morning was lively, to say the least. My freshmen were not especially focused. They were nowhere in the vicinity of focused.
In the afternoon, I learned that I will be full time in the junior high after semester break. No government class for me. Oh, well. My math kids in fifth hour actually want me to be their teacher full time. Hmmmm...I don't know if it will take exactly that shape...I can finally get that "if you taught middle school, you'd drink, too" t-shirt I've been dreaming of...
In the evening, we had an invitation to dinner at Michelle Larson's. She was celebrating because both of her girls had passed the high school exam that they need to pass in order to graduate. Tacos, and some of the best dried fish strips that I have had since I got here. Man, that Michelle makes delicious fish strips.
After that, I needed to be formally introduced to the ASB (advisory school board). I have been working here since August, and we finally got this done. Adding to the humor is the fact that I know, have been in the home of, or actually worked with all but one of the members of the board. There is only one that I don't already know.
I was on the way home when I was reminded that we needed to go over to Earl and Krissy's house to pick up a couple of dishes that had been left there at an earlier date. They had been at Michelle's house earlier in the evening, and reminded us about the dishes. They are very nice. She teaches second grade, and he flies for the state troopers. At any rate, she and her daughter were putting up the Christmas tree, and we were commanded to come in and visit in the way that only an elementary school teacher can command.
After a little while, Earl came in, followed by Father Alexander. Father is the priest up in Kwethluk. However, most of his family live in Napaskiak, and he often stops by to visit. Father mentioned casually that someone had stolen a Bethel police vehicle, and was driving it wildly down the Kuskokwim, occasionally shooting the police weapons that were likely in the car. Now Father did not seem to regard this in quite the same vein that Earl did, and Earl definitely was not feeling casual about this. Earl got on the VHF and started announcing that people needed to get their heads under cover, lest any stray bullets head in their direction. Earl strikes me as a fella who likes to be where the action is, and it was not very long until he felt the need to get out there and lend the village police, the state troopers, and the Bethel police (whose car it was, after all) a helpful hand. Many phone calls began to go around the household between landlines and various cell phones in the house (yes, we have service, but no functioning data service for us Crackberry addicts).
In the middle of all of this, it was announced that tundra tea was ready. Tundra tea consists of various mosses, grasses, and other vegetation from the tundra. It is placed into a net, and boiled for an indeterminate time until it is ready. I don't know how long it takes.
Please understand that I am a coffee man until I die. I despise tea and all that it stands for. Hate the stuff. I had a cup because I was a guest and because it is important to accept proffered hospitality. Except for stinkheads-never gonna happen. Anyway, this tundra tea is great stuff! I had a second cup and would have happily taken more. Go figure.
So we hung around for a while longer, and finally decided to run the gauntlet of death. OK, it is a pretty short walk from their house back here. I did make one more heroic venture to the school because no one could get ahold of Eric, who had kids for basketball practice, and needed to be told that the guy had apparently shut off the lights on the police car, and could not currently be located, except for the occasional gunshot. The all clear finally came at about 10:45, and all is well as far as I can report.
Oh, yeah, and tomorrow there is a staff meeting!
P.S. Man, I love it here!!
P.P.S. OK, I got the tundra tea thing wrong. As I said, I am not a tea guy by any stretch of the imagination. It is actually brewed with a plant called labrador tea, which is a kind of heath or heather. My mistake, and I apologize to all. It was still delicious, and the best part is that we left the dishes behind in all of the excitement. Krissy and I agreed that it was a good thing, because we have another reason to visit.
In the afternoon, I learned that I will be full time in the junior high after semester break. No government class for me. Oh, well. My math kids in fifth hour actually want me to be their teacher full time. Hmmmm...I don't know if it will take exactly that shape...I can finally get that "if you taught middle school, you'd drink, too" t-shirt I've been dreaming of...
In the evening, we had an invitation to dinner at Michelle Larson's. She was celebrating because both of her girls had passed the high school exam that they need to pass in order to graduate. Tacos, and some of the best dried fish strips that I have had since I got here. Man, that Michelle makes delicious fish strips.
After that, I needed to be formally introduced to the ASB (advisory school board). I have been working here since August, and we finally got this done. Adding to the humor is the fact that I know, have been in the home of, or actually worked with all but one of the members of the board. There is only one that I don't already know.
I was on the way home when I was reminded that we needed to go over to Earl and Krissy's house to pick up a couple of dishes that had been left there at an earlier date. They had been at Michelle's house earlier in the evening, and reminded us about the dishes. They are very nice. She teaches second grade, and he flies for the state troopers. At any rate, she and her daughter were putting up the Christmas tree, and we were commanded to come in and visit in the way that only an elementary school teacher can command.
After a little while, Earl came in, followed by Father Alexander. Father is the priest up in Kwethluk. However, most of his family live in Napaskiak, and he often stops by to visit. Father mentioned casually that someone had stolen a Bethel police vehicle, and was driving it wildly down the Kuskokwim, occasionally shooting the police weapons that were likely in the car. Now Father did not seem to regard this in quite the same vein that Earl did, and Earl definitely was not feeling casual about this. Earl got on the VHF and started announcing that people needed to get their heads under cover, lest any stray bullets head in their direction. Earl strikes me as a fella who likes to be where the action is, and it was not very long until he felt the need to get out there and lend the village police, the state troopers, and the Bethel police (whose car it was, after all) a helpful hand. Many phone calls began to go around the household between landlines and various cell phones in the house (yes, we have service, but no functioning data service for us Crackberry addicts).
In the middle of all of this, it was announced that tundra tea was ready. Tundra tea consists of various mosses, grasses, and other vegetation from the tundra. It is placed into a net, and boiled for an indeterminate time until it is ready. I don't know how long it takes.
Please understand that I am a coffee man until I die. I despise tea and all that it stands for. Hate the stuff. I had a cup because I was a guest and because it is important to accept proffered hospitality. Except for stinkheads-never gonna happen. Anyway, this tundra tea is great stuff! I had a second cup and would have happily taken more. Go figure.
So we hung around for a while longer, and finally decided to run the gauntlet of death. OK, it is a pretty short walk from their house back here. I did make one more heroic venture to the school because no one could get ahold of Eric, who had kids for basketball practice, and needed to be told that the guy had apparently shut off the lights on the police car, and could not currently be located, except for the occasional gunshot. The all clear finally came at about 10:45, and all is well as far as I can report.
Oh, yeah, and tomorrow there is a staff meeting!
P.S. Man, I love it here!!
P.P.S. OK, I got the tundra tea thing wrong. As I said, I am not a tea guy by any stretch of the imagination. It is actually brewed with a plant called labrador tea, which is a kind of heath or heather. My mistake, and I apologize to all. It was still delicious, and the best part is that we left the dishes behind in all of the excitement. Krissy and I agreed that it was a good thing, because we have another reason to visit.
Upon Reconsideration...
Maybe it is just as well to be going home for the holidays. It will be nice to see some familiar and friendly faces, and it will be good to see family members as well. I booked a room for the overnight stay in Anchorage, and it is at a pet friendly hotel that appears to be pretty close to the airport. I just need to get the house opened up and the driveway plowed. Sounds like there will be a bit of weather this week and perhaps next. I don't want to have to deal with the long drive from Chicago if the roads are funky and slippery. I haven't operated a motor vehicle since August, and I might be a little rusty at it...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Two Weeks Out...
Two weeks from tomorrow, the semester ends. Memorable. Weird. Stressful. I don't think that I quite have the final word yet on it.
I am in the mood to stay here for the holidays. I won't, and I can't really explain why I feel that way. I think that it has a lot to do with flying with a lot of crap and three dogs and having a five-hour drive at the end of the long flight. I would just as soon stay here and hang out, go to Bethel and hang out with some people, get some sushi and tempura, and maybe zip off to Anchorage for a few days. Much simpler. I am looking forward to seeing everyone when I do get back, however.
That's all I have to say for now.
I am in the mood to stay here for the holidays. I won't, and I can't really explain why I feel that way. I think that it has a lot to do with flying with a lot of crap and three dogs and having a five-hour drive at the end of the long flight. I would just as soon stay here and hang out, go to Bethel and hang out with some people, get some sushi and tempura, and maybe zip off to Anchorage for a few days. Much simpler. I am looking forward to seeing everyone when I do get back, however.
That's all I have to say for now.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mostly An Excuse To Post This Picture
Not much to say. It was a Sunday, which usually means sleeping in a little, having a late breakfast, doing some lesson plans, and not much else. I am totally losing track of time with the increasing dark. I took the dog outside and heard church bells, which ring for the 6:3o service. I had no idea it was still that early. The sun sets at about 4:30 now.
We had a good steam at Joe's last night. There were just a few of us, but the company was pleasant. There was some loose talk about awarding me a Yup'ik name. A couple of name
candidates were mentioned, but no choices were made. I figure that will work itself out one way or another. I will have to figure out how to keep my newfound steaming strength in tune over the holidays.
There was a fairly extraordinary sunset tonight, so I thought it might be nice to take a picture of it for the folks back home. Tomorrow starts a new week. I get to be introduced at last to the members of the advisory school board, and we will likely have our last long professional development meeting on Friday night and Saturday. Next week will be the last of the semester, and the last before the holiday break...I am suddenly very anxious to get on with the week...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
A Narrow Brush With Death...

One quick piece of advice-never ride a snowmobile up a melting river with a borderline psychopath...ok, just kidding...we went up to Bethel to take the dogs for a vet visit. They needed their checkup for the airlines, and a couple of shots needed to be given.
Unfortunately, the weather has warmed up dramatically overnight, and the snow has been melting rapidly. Of course, this means water on top of the icy river. On top of that, the river here is a tidal estuary, which means that the river has tides. That also means that there is water that has overflowed onto the top of the ice, in addition to the water from the melting snow. Lots of water. Everywhere. In a couple of spots, we had to go waterskipping, which involves going across the surface of the water at a high rate of speed. Much fun? I guess once you get used to it. I am not there yet.
It is still not clear to me which ride I felt to be less enchanting-the trip up in the darkness (and it is very dark once you get away from the village), or the trip back down, where the nasty ice was all too evident. I suppose I could have closed my eyes, but it is nice sometimes to anticipate the bumps and shocks before they arrive. We finally stopped to scout one especially deep looking patch of overflow. Fortunately, it turned out to be relatively shallow. A few more bumps and pitches, and one last overflow patch, and we were on dry land, and I was one happy puppy.
Buddha was squirrelled away in my down coat for the entire trip, and he was probably the driest life form on the snowmachine. I wore my new fur hat, and was glad for it, because the sealskin kept my head nice and dry. I have seldom been so glad to see the ramshackle little house that I call home. It was all over in relatively short order, and no one was the worse for wear. Maybe me, and my nerves, but it all turned out OK in the end.
We have guests coming over tonight for chili and/or borscht. A little company will be a nice thing. I am looking forward to it, and so, it is time to go and clean up.
Unfortunately, the weather has warmed up dramatically overnight, and the snow has been melting rapidly. Of course, this means water on top of the icy river. On top of that, the river here is a tidal estuary, which means that the river has tides. That also means that there is water that has overflowed onto the top of the ice, in addition to the water from the melting snow. Lots of water. Everywhere. In a couple of spots, we had to go waterskipping, which involves going across the surface of the water at a high rate of speed. Much fun? I guess once you get used to it. I am not there yet.
It is still not clear to me which ride I felt to be less enchanting-the trip up in the darkness (and it is very dark once you get away from the village), or the trip back down, where the nasty ice was all too evident. I suppose I could have closed my eyes, but it is nice sometimes to anticipate the bumps and shocks before they arrive. We finally stopped to scout one especially deep looking patch of overflow. Fortunately, it turned out to be relatively shallow. A few more bumps and pitches, and one last overflow patch, and we were on dry land, and I was one happy puppy.
Buddha was squirrelled away in my down coat for the entire trip, and he was probably the driest life form on the snowmachine. I wore my new fur hat, and was glad for it, because the sealskin kept my head nice and dry. I have seldom been so glad to see the ramshackle little house that I call home. It was all over in relatively short order, and no one was the worse for wear. Maybe me, and my nerves, but it all turned out OK in the end.
We have guests coming over tonight for chili and/or borscht. A little company will be a nice thing. I am looking forward to it, and so, it is time to go and clean up.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Friday Night...
The best night of the week. I've just been hanging out w/the cohabitor, who has trekked off to a 10 PM steam. She should be back in an hour or so. Think I will arrange a nice surprise for her return. She has really been a rock through this often difficult transition. I'm trying to think of a nice Xmas present for her...hey, wait a minute, she reads this thing! Never mind.....
Kids were a little flaky today, but the day was over at the usual Friday time, so I have no complaints. PD consisted mostly of a little scheduling, a few announcements, and a couple of hours worth of working at my desk. It allowed me to do some catching up on writing grading, and to do a little early prep for next week. I still need to do some additional record-keeping, and, of course, some lesson planning. It doesn't strike me as a problem...
There is a movie showing tomorrow at the school-student council will be working it, and I think that I will show up to help. I am finally getting over the need to be out of the building as much as I needed to be during the first couple of months of the year.
Everything is getting more comfortable, which I hope is a good thing. I have always been suspicious of the notion of comfort, because I thought that it could too easily lead to complacency. If I can keep my guard up against that, perhaps comfort will ultimately prove to be positive. By the way, I got triangle-shaped flash cards for my 7th graders today (!). Maybe I am turning into a geek...
Kids were a little flaky today, but the day was over at the usual Friday time, so I have no complaints. PD consisted mostly of a little scheduling, a few announcements, and a couple of hours worth of working at my desk. It allowed me to do some catching up on writing grading, and to do a little early prep for next week. I still need to do some additional record-keeping, and, of course, some lesson planning. It doesn't strike me as a problem...
There is a movie showing tomorrow at the school-student council will be working it, and I think that I will show up to help. I am finally getting over the need to be out of the building as much as I needed to be during the first couple of months of the year.
Everything is getting more comfortable, which I hope is a good thing. I have always been suspicious of the notion of comfort, because I thought that it could too easily lead to complacency. If I can keep my guard up against that, perhaps comfort will ultimately prove to be positive. By the way, I got triangle-shaped flash cards for my 7th graders today (!). Maybe I am turning into a geek...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dramatic Laundry Update...
The dryer that was broken is now working. The other dryer is apparently beginning to lose its belt, and is not turning properly. The question is whether or not we will order the part now, because it will take a while to repair, or wait until it is not working and do it then. Stay tuned for further dramatic updates.
A bunch of the kids here are doing their own blogs, and I need to get current on them. I know that some of them read this abomination, and I occasionally remind them that I check theirs out from time to time.
Tomorrow is Friday, and regular readers know that Friday night is my favorite night of the week. By the way, Thursday night is my second favorite night of the week. I hope that there is a steam in my future, preferably in the next 24 hours or so.
DishBitch is working on a pile of mess in the sink that was occasioned mostly by the fact that he took last night off. DishBitch has been doing this lately due to the fact that, for some mysterious reason, he has been really tired at the end of the day. Significant inroads into said mess have already been made, but a new load has emerged from the refrigerator, which did need cleaning. DB is taking a writing break for the moment. He does not want to wait too long, because it is already 8:40 PM, and it would be nice to have this job done. It's time for DB to spring into action.
9:18-the laundry is folded, and DaBoo has been out for his evening constitutional, and the last two really funky/crusty dishes are soaking in the sink. Now is the time of evening when at last relaxation can set in for a little while before it is time to go to bed. The new veggie box is here, including beets and avocados, which means borscht and guacamole this weekend. The dogs are making their semi-annual pilgrimage to the vet to get their check-up for air travel. I will need to dig out their paper work tomorrow night so that they get officially approved to fly. It will be the occasion of Buddha's first snowmachine ride. Maybe a cute picture or two will be in order.
9:33-the dogs have been fed, and tonight's last dish placed into the dish strainer. So much for the comforts of domestic life-it is actually pretty nice. A last few musings for internet posterity, and then...
A bunch of the kids here are doing their own blogs, and I need to get current on them. I know that some of them read this abomination, and I occasionally remind them that I check theirs out from time to time.
Tomorrow is Friday, and regular readers know that Friday night is my favorite night of the week. By the way, Thursday night is my second favorite night of the week. I hope that there is a steam in my future, preferably in the next 24 hours or so.
DishBitch is working on a pile of mess in the sink that was occasioned mostly by the fact that he took last night off. DishBitch has been doing this lately due to the fact that, for some mysterious reason, he has been really tired at the end of the day. Significant inroads into said mess have already been made, but a new load has emerged from the refrigerator, which did need cleaning. DB is taking a writing break for the moment. He does not want to wait too long, because it is already 8:40 PM, and it would be nice to have this job done. It's time for DB to spring into action.
9:18-the laundry is folded, and DaBoo has been out for his evening constitutional, and the last two really funky/crusty dishes are soaking in the sink. Now is the time of evening when at last relaxation can set in for a little while before it is time to go to bed. The new veggie box is here, including beets and avocados, which means borscht and guacamole this weekend. The dogs are making their semi-annual pilgrimage to the vet to get their check-up for air travel. I will need to dig out their paper work tomorrow night so that they get officially approved to fly. It will be the occasion of Buddha's first snowmachine ride. Maybe a cute picture or two will be in order.
9:33-the dogs have been fed, and tonight's last dish placed into the dish strainer. So much for the comforts of domestic life-it is actually pretty nice. A last few musings for internet posterity, and then...
Laundry Day 2...
Sounds like the title for some kind of extremely cheesy slasher movie, preferably set in a laundromat. On the other hand, it could be more on the order of Groundhog Day, because it is clearly a recurring cycle that never ends...maybe if the clothes cleaned themselves...the logistics are kind of tricky because only one of the dryers in the school is functioning. It needs a replacement part that has to come here from Anchorage, and that can occasionally take a while. It has been a couple of weeks now since the dryer went down, and I have heard no rumor of a replacement belt arrival.
I have been really tired all week at the end of the day, even though the days themselves have pretty much been OK. I got up tired this morning, even though I went to bed early last night. I seem to have a funny tickle in my throat and I feel a little weird. I hope that it is nothing. I have been well since the September incident that put me in the hospital, and I would like to keep it that way. I need my energy for the next couple of weeks, and I would like to enjoy the holidays in good health.
I need a theory of how this day is supposed to go, and I don't have it yet. Maybe it will come to me in the shower.
I have been really tired all week at the end of the day, even though the days themselves have pretty much been OK. I got up tired this morning, even though I went to bed early last night. I seem to have a funny tickle in my throat and I feel a little weird. I hope that it is nothing. I have been well since the September incident that put me in the hospital, and I would like to keep it that way. I need my energy for the next couple of weeks, and I would like to enjoy the holidays in good health.
I need a theory of how this day is supposed to go, and I don't have it yet. Maybe it will come to me in the shower.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hump Day Is Over...
Just got back from school about twenty minutes ago. I was at school until about 7:30 or so; part of that time was spent on the treadmill, part helping one of my students after school, and part of it Skpying with two of my AKT2 buddies. The days are now flying by, and there is lots to get done. Kids are starting to work when they haven't before, because eligibility for basketball is becoming an issue. I personally intend to use it shamelessly, my only regret being that ALL of my students are not trying to go out for the junior high team.
I am beginning to notice some glimmer of a change in the junior high students. It is faint, and it is extremely subtle, and sometimes nonexistent, but there is something going on there. I just hope it isn't the freight train at the end of the tunnel.
I still want to get my spin bike, but it is hard to get in touch with the folks in California when I get out of work 15 minutes after they close.
My freshmen in English are making me happy, as I think we were able to get some really good stuff out of the book that we just finished reading.
I like it here. It is finally starting to feel how I had hoped it would feel. Of course, I must point out that the people here, for the most part, were never the issue in my mind. It feels nice to think about coming back after Christmas. I wonder what the schedule will look like then, and what classes I will be teaching. I think that it will be interesting.
I am beginning to notice some glimmer of a change in the junior high students. It is faint, and it is extremely subtle, and sometimes nonexistent, but there is something going on there. I just hope it isn't the freight train at the end of the tunnel.
I still want to get my spin bike, but it is hard to get in touch with the folks in California when I get out of work 15 minutes after they close.
My freshmen in English are making me happy, as I think we were able to get some really good stuff out of the book that we just finished reading.
I like it here. It is finally starting to feel how I had hoped it would feel. Of course, I must point out that the people here, for the most part, were never the issue in my mind. It feels nice to think about coming back after Christmas. I wonder what the schedule will look like then, and what classes I will be teaching. I think that it will be interesting.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The subtle beauty of this place sneaks up on me. I had one of the dogs out tonight after work. It has actually warmed up in the last couple of days, which is not to say that it is exactly warm. But it was warm enough that I was not in the hurry that I am on colder days. The sky was beginning to darken, as it does after our 4:40 PM sunset. The full moon had risen to about 3o degrees above the horizon, and it was already shedding its soft, reflective light off of the snow, which has gotten a fresh layer in the past day or so. The sky was clear, and the moon's features were sharply defined. It was simply stunning. I am lucky to live here.
I have a new student in my Ak Studies class. I hope that she enjoys the last three weeks of class. I will see if I can do something about that.
Math class is beginning to go better for me now, and that is gratifying for the moment. It will be interesting to see how long the momentum lasts. We are getting back a couple of our more disruptive students back in the nest two days. They didn't learn much after their last suspensions. We will have to see if they have learned anything now.
I have a new student in my Ak Studies class. I hope that she enjoys the last three weeks of class. I will see if I can do something about that.
Math class is beginning to go better for me now, and that is gratifying for the moment. It will be interesting to see how long the momentum lasts. We are getting back a couple of our more disruptive students back in the nest two days. They didn't learn much after their last suspensions. We will have to see if they have learned anything now.
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