Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mostly An Excuse To Post This Picture

Not much to say. It was a Sunday, which usually means sleeping in a little, having a late breakfast, doing some lesson plans, and not much else. I am totally losing track of time with the increasing dark. I took the dog outside and heard church bells, which ring for the 6:3o service. I had no idea it was still that early. The sun sets at about 4:30 now.

We had a good steam at Joe's last night. There were just a few of us, but the company was pleasant. There was some loose talk about awarding me a Yup'ik name. A couple of name
candidates were mentioned, but no choices were made. I figure that will work itself out one way or another. I will have to figure out how to keep my newfound steaming strength in tune over the holidays.

There was a fairly extraordinary sunset tonight, so I thought it might be nice to take a picture of it for the folks back home. Tomorrow starts a new week. I get to be introduced at last to the members of the advisory school board, and we will likely have our last long professional development meeting on Friday night and Saturday. Next week will be the last of the semester, and the last before the holiday break...I am suddenly very anxious to get on with the week...

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