Wednesday, November 10, 2010


OK, contradiction, anyway. One of my darlings was kinda hateful yesterday, and signed off with a question about why I come to school anyway. Her dad apparently called later to say that the teachers must have been setting her off. I was kind of confused, because for a number of reasons I probably to treat her with some kind of gloves, if not kid gloves. I think that my reasoning on this line is defensible.

She had in-school suspension today, and I took some work down for her to do. She smiled sweetly (she is very capable), and handed me a letter apologizing for being disrespectful, for being disruptive, and for asking me why I come to school. Very nice. She settled down to a fairly productive day, and was even working in after school with me before she went over to do Yup'ik dancing with some kids in the gym, including our visitors from Fairbanks. We will see which version shows up tomorrow. She is a very nice kid who just happens to be in a rough patch in her life right now. It is nice to work with her when she is happy.

I suspect that more observations are in store for me as the season fast approaches for the Site Administrator review. I am tired of being goggled at and just want to go on Thanksgiving break. It is close, so close that I can nearly smell the turkey, and I hate turkey. So close....

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