Friday, November 5, 2010

Ironically Enough...

What do we do on a long Friday afternoon? Fill time, mostly. And that is mostly what we did. And we did. And we did. I know that it is important to review one's practice. But the endless, cyclical navel-gazing that we have engaged in this year has been, in my humble opinion, mostly a waste of time. It seems to me that the process never stops, but I am at a loss to identify its function outside of the creation of yet more busywork. All we ever do around here is talk about school, for god's sake. It is pretty much all we talk about even when we are not in school. Enough, already. But, of course, it will never be enough. We can never talk about it enough. We can never stop reflecting and making up yet another dumb document to fill out, email somewhere, and never see again.

There was a name for this kind of process, once upon a time. It was called the circle jerk. And so, it comes again and again and again. Sisyphus, anyone?

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