Sunday, January 31, 2010
Puking Barefoot In The Snow...
Now, that should get your attention...more to follow in the morning, but it's late and I need to get some sacktime.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Kimchee in Bethel...
Well, let's catch up on the week. I have been posting on the fly, but haven't really had the time to present anything in any detail.
I have made numerous refrences to my cold. It is slowly sinking into the west like the sunset after spending about a week with me. Visitors are nice out here, but not so much with this one. Not awful, mind you, but it sucked up an awful lot of my spare energy during the week. Anything much beyond work, dishes, and laundry was just not happening. I will not miss it.
The new spin bike is here, and my bike gear got here today. I can now get after it, because I am feeling better. I am only waiting for the sport package stuff that I ordered to get here, because it did not get here with the bike. I will probably call on Monday morning during my prep period to make sure that the order is not glitched up. The option in question provides us with a bunch of workout dvd's, a padded seat cover (hmmm), and SPD-compatible pedals. The riders out there know what I am talking about. I would like to be able to clip in. I am still pretty happy, because this allows us to start preparing for the summer biking season.
We had two days of parent-teacher conferences this week and a funeral, so there was only one full day of school with the students. Mine were flakier as the week went on, and one got herself suspended for taking a swing at me when I had the temerity to ask her to remove herself from the table on which she insisted on lying. Oh, well, we will see her sometime late next week. The rest of the week was comparatively quiet.
I got some exciting news this morning from one of my colleagues in AKT2 that had seriously been contemplating quitting. A week ago, he seemed pretty resolute in his decision. He Skyped me today with the news that he believes that he has changed his mind. I am excited for him, if this is what he wants. I think that he has great potential, and can do some very good things wherever he decides to be.
This was yet another of our long weeks. We did the long day's journey into PD last night and this morning. It was ok. We have some more left to go before the end of the school year. It will be fine. We might even learn something. Some of these sessions are more informative than others. I actually thought there was some merit to the stuff we did this weekend.
Basketball was fun all around. I mostly stood around while little kids who will (I hope) eventually be my students asked me all kinds of questions. The games that I saw were pretty exciting, and our kids won them all. We had three schools here, and I saw the boys' and girls' teams play twice. Most of the kids have already been students of mine when I was still over in high school, so it was much fun to root for them to do well.
Finally, there appears to have been an apprehension of suspects in the recent break-ins. The former student who was expelled for attacking one of our teachers and his younger brother were apparently found to be in possession of stolen goods from various places. They apparently also had a fairly substantial amount of cash with them. The VPSO (Village Police and Safety Officer) who arrested them runs sled dogs. His best dog was shot to death last night. Whether the two events are connected is not clear. Things may get interesting around here. I will continue to post on this story as it continues to develop. There is an element around here who like to style themselves as "gangsta" types. They are becoming less amusing with the passage of time.
I have made numerous refrences to my cold. It is slowly sinking into the west like the sunset after spending about a week with me. Visitors are nice out here, but not so much with this one. Not awful, mind you, but it sucked up an awful lot of my spare energy during the week. Anything much beyond work, dishes, and laundry was just not happening. I will not miss it.
The new spin bike is here, and my bike gear got here today. I can now get after it, because I am feeling better. I am only waiting for the sport package stuff that I ordered to get here, because it did not get here with the bike. I will probably call on Monday morning during my prep period to make sure that the order is not glitched up. The option in question provides us with a bunch of workout dvd's, a padded seat cover (hmmm), and SPD-compatible pedals. The riders out there know what I am talking about. I would like to be able to clip in. I am still pretty happy, because this allows us to start preparing for the summer biking season.
We had two days of parent-teacher conferences this week and a funeral, so there was only one full day of school with the students. Mine were flakier as the week went on, and one got herself suspended for taking a swing at me when I had the temerity to ask her to remove herself from the table on which she insisted on lying. Oh, well, we will see her sometime late next week. The rest of the week was comparatively quiet.
I got some exciting news this morning from one of my colleagues in AKT2 that had seriously been contemplating quitting. A week ago, he seemed pretty resolute in his decision. He Skyped me today with the news that he believes that he has changed his mind. I am excited for him, if this is what he wants. I think that he has great potential, and can do some very good things wherever he decides to be.
This was yet another of our long weeks. We did the long day's journey into PD last night and this morning. It was ok. We have some more left to go before the end of the school year. It will be fine. We might even learn something. Some of these sessions are more informative than others. I actually thought there was some merit to the stuff we did this weekend.
Basketball was fun all around. I mostly stood around while little kids who will (I hope) eventually be my students asked me all kinds of questions. The games that I saw were pretty exciting, and our kids won them all. We had three schools here, and I saw the boys' and girls' teams play twice. Most of the kids have already been students of mine when I was still over in high school, so it was much fun to root for them to do well.
Finally, there appears to have been an apprehension of suspects in the recent break-ins. The former student who was expelled for attacking one of our teachers and his younger brother were apparently found to be in possession of stolen goods from various places. They apparently also had a fairly substantial amount of cash with them. The VPSO (Village Police and Safety Officer) who arrested them runs sled dogs. His best dog was shot to death last night. Whether the two events are connected is not clear. Things may get interesting around here. I will continue to post on this story as it continues to develop. There is an element around here who like to style themselves as "gangsta" types. They are becoming less amusing with the passage of time.
More B-Ball, More PD...
I got up with the alarm clock this morning. I never get up with the alarm clock. I am always up before the alarm clock. Not today. I actually thought that I was dreaming that it went off. Yesterday was a long and tiring day, not the least because I spent the last five hours of it standing and watching basketball games.
We ran professional development until 6:30, then I went over to the games. I managed to catch the girls' and then the boys' games, both of which were exciting and went down to the wire. There were lots of folks there and they were lined up along the walls of the gymnasium. A festive atmosphere prevailed, except when the refs called a couple of technical fouls on the home team because children were running loose on the court. No lasting damage was done, and the Hawks teams emerged triumphant. After some after-game adjustments, we were off home, and kind of stared at the walls in that tired way until we went to bed.
Today we have another half day of various professional development activities and reading. There will be basketball, too, and I think we will try for church to round out the day. Tomorrow will be lesson prep day, and I will try to figure out how to plan around standardized testing.
It's getting to be a lot of fun, in ways that I can't adequately explain, and the high seems to be giving me enough energy to keep working through this cold.
Later: one of my friends may change his mind, and a possible break-through in the break-in investigation...
We ran professional development until 6:30, then I went over to the games. I managed to catch the girls' and then the boys' games, both of which were exciting and went down to the wire. There were lots of folks there and they were lined up along the walls of the gymnasium. A festive atmosphere prevailed, except when the refs called a couple of technical fouls on the home team because children were running loose on the court. No lasting damage was done, and the Hawks teams emerged triumphant. After some after-game adjustments, we were off home, and kind of stared at the walls in that tired way until we went to bed.
Today we have another half day of various professional development activities and reading. There will be basketball, too, and I think we will try for church to round out the day. Tomorrow will be lesson prep day, and I will try to figure out how to plan around standardized testing.
It's getting to be a lot of fun, in ways that I can't adequately explain, and the high seems to be giving me enough energy to keep working through this cold.
Later: one of my friends may change his mind, and a possible break-through in the break-in investigation...
Friday, January 29, 2010
It's Friday Already?
My cold is better, and the week has run away from me. I forgot to blog last night, at least in part because I find that I am really tired at the end of every day. Then I get what should be a good nights sleep, and wake up more tired than I felt when I went to sleep the previous night. It has been kind of a time warp week, what with various events that have happened. So I am sitting in a professional development session during a break and typing this. I promise that I will get back to the events of the week sometime this weekend when I get the chance. We have another hour and a half tonight, and half a day tomorrow, with a bunch of basketball games thrown in for good measure. Anyway, I promise to sit down and recount the week's event when I get the chance, because there are some good stories to tell. It's just a matter of finding the time. I'll do it-I just can't say when. It will be this weekend.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
It's Here!
The spankin' new spinning bike has arrived, and has been successfully assembled (not much to it at all), and I will be ready to ride as soon as my bike stuff and shoes arrive. OK, and I get over this cold. It sucks, which is why I think that I will be ready to go to bed pretty soon. We have another shortened day tomorrow, because of a funeral, but we will be working a long weekend, because the district says so. I need my rest, in short.
My beloved charges seemed intent on destroying the successes that they have had for the past week or so. In short, they behaved as they too often have in the past. Perhaps some of the behavior teaching has worn off. It is time to reteach. That, at least, is the theory behind positive behavioral supports. Of course, the crack their heads against the wall approach has its appeal, too. I hope that they get it together tomorrow. This weekend is the first team travel opportunity for many of them. Perhaps a gentle reminder that their trip can be taken away is in order in the morning.
We will see how it goes, as always, and hope that today was simply a temporary step backwards. Unfortunately for me, I kinda like the little goobers, even when they try my patience. Heaven only knows why.
My beloved charges seemed intent on destroying the successes that they have had for the past week or so. In short, they behaved as they too often have in the past. Perhaps some of the behavior teaching has worn off. It is time to reteach. That, at least, is the theory behind positive behavioral supports. Of course, the crack their heads against the wall approach has its appeal, too. I hope that they get it together tomorrow. This weekend is the first team travel opportunity for many of them. Perhaps a gentle reminder that their trip can be taken away is in order in the morning.
We will see how it goes, as always, and hope that today was simply a temporary step backwards. Unfortunately for me, I kinda like the little goobers, even when they try my patience. Heaven only knows why.
Well, it got worse. Now I am trying to make the mental calculations about whether this will be the worst day of the thing,and whether I should call in sick today, or save it for a later day if I get even worse. Much to consider.
Meanwhile, the moon looks very lovely outside my front window. It is not quite full-that will be in another two days. I am struck by the number of clear days that we have here. Even though it has been consistently cold since my return, it is often sunny. Living in Michigan as I have in the past, I have come to associate winter with gray, overcast skies. We are not that far from the Bering Sea, but we do not seem to get anything similar to what we call lake effect back in Cadillac, where snowfall is enhanced by the waters of Lake Michigan. We really do not seem to get that much snow here. There was more of it on the ground back in Cadillac over the holidays than there is here even now.
Time to figure out the day...
Meanwhile, the moon looks very lovely outside my front window. It is not quite full-that will be in another two days. I am struck by the number of clear days that we have here. Even though it has been consistently cold since my return, it is often sunny. Living in Michigan as I have in the past, I have come to associate winter with gray, overcast skies. We are not that far from the Bering Sea, but we do not seem to get anything similar to what we call lake effect back in Cadillac, where snowfall is enhanced by the waters of Lake Michigan. We really do not seem to get that much snow here. There was more of it on the ground back in Cadillac over the holidays than there is here even now.
Time to figure out the day...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Not Much To Say, Really...
Not a bad day, overall. Parent-teacher conferences are over. Only one more set before the end of the year. I learned that I am getting sent to Anchorage for a week in February for training in reading. I personally think that my reading skills are pretty damned good, but this apparently has something to do with teaching reading. I suppose that I can always use some extra skill in that area. Anyway, I will be airborne during at least part of the Superbowl, but I will try to the best of my ability to catch some of the game. It will be part of the very little football that I have seen this season. I can rest assured that the trip will also give me the chance to exercise my shopping skills, as I will undoubtedly be dispatched off to the nearest Fred Meyer in search of loot.
My cold is still here, but it seems to be more or less survivable in its present state. I would like it to go away, but if it just stays this bad and gets better in a while, that will be ok, too. I do need to pick up some extra bits of energy, though. My departure will oblige me to come up with substitute lesson plans, and that could prove to be challenging. Next week will apparently witness my introduction into the festive world of test proctoring, which will kind of goof that one up.
But for now, the NyQuil is calling me off to sleep, and I must answer its siren call....
My cold is still here, but it seems to be more or less survivable in its present state. I would like it to go away, but if it just stays this bad and gets better in a while, that will be ok, too. I do need to pick up some extra bits of energy, though. My departure will oblige me to come up with substitute lesson plans, and that could prove to be challenging. Next week will apparently witness my introduction into the festive world of test proctoring, which will kind of goof that one up.
But for now, the NyQuil is calling me off to sleep, and I must answer its siren call....
Monday, January 25, 2010
Time To Flesh It Out A Little...
Here's the progression:
1. The power came back on at about 7:30, after having gone out twice. I had already showered at the school, so hygiene was no issue.
2. Paul (our ace maintenance man) came over and filled the fuel oil and restarted the stove, sometime in the middle of the morning.
3. Paul apparently came over later and managed to get the dog house defrosted and pumped out. When we got home from parent-teacher conferences, there was an empty septic tank, and a full tank of water. It was actually fun to wash dishes (the novelty wore off after a while).
So, dear readers, all is back to normal, or what passes for normal in my life. Full services have been restored, and I look forward to a quiet night's sleep. Tomorrow is another day, and I am sure that it will be full of fun.
1. The power came back on at about 7:30, after having gone out twice. I had already showered at the school, so hygiene was no issue.
2. Paul (our ace maintenance man) came over and filled the fuel oil and restarted the stove, sometime in the middle of the morning.
3. Paul apparently came over later and managed to get the dog house defrosted and pumped out. When we got home from parent-teacher conferences, there was an empty septic tank, and a full tank of water. It was actually fun to wash dishes (the novelty wore off after a while).
So, dear readers, all is back to normal, or what passes for normal in my life. Full services have been restored, and I look forward to a quiet night's sleep. Tomorrow is another day, and I am sure that it will be full of fun.
All services have been restored, and all is well. More about that later. I have gotten a couple of responses that make me think that I may have confused some folks. This has been a parade of inconveniences, not misery. The heat was not out for very long, and the power came back on. These are all hurdles to be worked around. That is all. I am having a blast out here now, especially with the new semester. I like my students and am looking forward to working together with my fellow teachers. Life, in short, is good. Now, if I can just get rid of this cold, I'll have it made.
Thus Far, My Suspicions Are Confirmed...
Flaky kids, and I may be guilty of thinking like one of them...
Ain't That Something...
Qkay. So you know that the water supply to this and several others have been inoperative. So far, so good. I got up this morning, and when the need kicked in, made my way over to the school for the necessaries and a shower. A little after 7:00 am, the alarm went off. Only thing was, it didn't sound like the alarm clock. In fact, as I walked toward the bedroom, it got fainter. A puzzling mystery, to be sure.
I walked back toward the front of the house. We heat with a "stove"that uses fuel oil. The stove was chiming gently, but insistently. The little display screen read: "E 16." I don't know what the 16 is about, but, while the "E" has always stood for excellent in my book, I think it meant we were out of fuel oil!
I was able to confirm this understanding quickly. I trust that it will be rectified in short order sometime this morning. In case you are wondering, it is -6 as I write this. Again, so far, so good.
It was now time to walk the dogs so that they could do their morning thing. As we were doing that, the power in the entire village went out. That's right, pitch black (except for the dim glow from the snow). This allowed us to note one more casualty of the recent break-ins. Our flashlights. No one will be able to argue to me anymore that laptops aren't useful. The glow from their screens lit our way around the house until the power came back on after about fifteen minutes.
Voila! Only, there still isn't any water or heat, and the lights just went out again.
I walked back toward the front of the house. We heat with a "stove"that uses fuel oil. The stove was chiming gently, but insistently. The little display screen read: "E 16." I don't know what the 16 is about, but, while the "E" has always stood for excellent in my book, I think it meant we were out of fuel oil!
I was able to confirm this understanding quickly. I trust that it will be rectified in short order sometime this morning. In case you are wondering, it is -6 as I write this. Again, so far, so good.
It was now time to walk the dogs so that they could do their morning thing. As we were doing that, the power in the entire village went out. That's right, pitch black (except for the dim glow from the snow). This allowed us to note one more casualty of the recent break-ins. Our flashlights. No one will be able to argue to me anymore that laptops aren't useful. The glow from their screens lit our way around the house until the power came back on after about fifteen minutes.
Voila! Only, there still isn't any water or heat, and the lights just went out again.
It Wasn't Just My Imagination...
Yep, I have a cold. I have been pretty lucky in staying well since the hospital thing back in September, but it seems that the string has run out. I am not really surprised, because I have seen an awful lot of folks running around being sick, including those that I have not seen sick before during the school year. Maybe all of the partying and having fun over the holidays lowered our collective immunity.
Well, we shall just have to see how this goes. I don't feel terrible, at least not yet, so I think that I will try to keep the sick day thing at arm's reach for the moment. I probably shouldn't be going to work when I am contagious, but there are enough other people to do that work for me, if you catch my drift.
Meanwhile, the temperatures have continued to hover around the zero mark, which makes the question of when our septic tank gets thawed out an interesting one. On top of that, there will be a funreal here at some point in the week, which may put a hold on activity of a work nature for a couple of days. All that I can say is stay tuned. One of my friends out on the coast didn't have running water in either the school or housing. That lasted for six days. She got it back last night, while we were IM'ing on Facebook. I shall remain hopeful. Optimistic went out the window over the weekend.
Well, we shall just have to see how this goes. I don't feel terrible, at least not yet, so I think that I will try to keep the sick day thing at arm's reach for the moment. I probably shouldn't be going to work when I am contagious, but there are enough other people to do that work for me, if you catch my drift.
Meanwhile, the temperatures have continued to hover around the zero mark, which makes the question of when our septic tank gets thawed out an interesting one. On top of that, there will be a funreal here at some point in the week, which may put a hold on activity of a work nature for a couple of days. All that I can say is stay tuned. One of my friends out on the coast didn't have running water in either the school or housing. That lasted for six days. She got it back last night, while we were IM'ing on Facebook. I shall remain hopeful. Optimistic went out the window over the weekend.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Feeling Crummy... this is about it. I am catching the cold that seems to be going around. Time to go to bed.
Nice day, lots of sun, rode to Bethel because someone needed to go riding...on the way back, I could see the sunset glinting off of the mountains down by the coast.
Anyway, the cold medecine is kicking in-time to go to bed.
Nice day, lots of sun, rode to Bethel because someone needed to go riding...on the way back, I could see the sunset glinting off of the mountains down by the coast.
Anyway, the cold medecine is kicking in-time to go to bed.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What Is The Matter With Me?
I have not posted a damn thing since Thursday night! Whatever can the matter be? Where will my fans go? To other blogs?? I must produce!!!
The days have been busy and mostly pleasant. Aside from one crappier day, the junior high has been doing ok. It is actually challenging and fun being in there. The tougher students have lost a little of their edge. We had a work day today, and I felt that I got a lot done. My lesson plans are done, although I might hone them a little bit tomorrow.
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up this week, and the body of the dead fellow is apparently returning on Monday, which means that there will be a funeral one afternoon. I did a week full of health lessons, but I may only get to use one of them. Oh well, the stuff can wait a week. I am also going to work on some input to the social studies class. We will have that class for four days, regardless of what happens.
We are still waterless, but we are able to shower at the school, which is close by. Some silly people have claimed it is only 30 steps away, but my count is more like 60. Either way, there are two sets of showers, so I am fresh and shaved after working and working out. There is also water available for coffee, and we hauled a load of dishes over to the school and washed them this morning. None of it is really so bad. I am looking forward to sleeping in, walking the dogs, and going to church tomorrow.
So here I sit comfortably, after a delicious dinner made by the best cook that I know, and it will probably be time to go to bed soon. How can I complain? Life is good on the Kuskokwim.
The days have been busy and mostly pleasant. Aside from one crappier day, the junior high has been doing ok. It is actually challenging and fun being in there. The tougher students have lost a little of their edge. We had a work day today, and I felt that I got a lot done. My lesson plans are done, although I might hone them a little bit tomorrow.
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up this week, and the body of the dead fellow is apparently returning on Monday, which means that there will be a funeral one afternoon. I did a week full of health lessons, but I may only get to use one of them. Oh well, the stuff can wait a week. I am also going to work on some input to the social studies class. We will have that class for four days, regardless of what happens.
We are still waterless, but we are able to shower at the school, which is close by. Some silly people have claimed it is only 30 steps away, but my count is more like 60. Either way, there are two sets of showers, so I am fresh and shaved after working and working out. There is also water available for coffee, and we hauled a load of dishes over to the school and washed them this morning. None of it is really so bad. I am looking forward to sleeping in, walking the dogs, and going to church tomorrow.
So here I sit comfortably, after a delicious dinner made by the best cook that I know, and it will probably be time to go to bed soon. How can I complain? Life is good on the Kuskokwim.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Honey, I Froze the Septic Tank...
Kind of an annoying day, at least the part with students. They were a little flaky, ok, a lot flaky. All of the better behavior of the first two days pretty much went out the window. With a few exceptions, that is. The main difference now is that I don't let it get me crazy. It does get me irritated, but not crazy.
Also ranking high on the irritation meter is the news that our septic tank is frozen. For those to whom I have not previously explained this, we have closed water/sewer systems. Water is pumped into a holding tank inside the house. All waste and waste water go into a holding tank outside called a "dog house." The dog house is pumped out twice a week. Or so it is supposed to be. It appears that nothing of the sort was done over the holidays. We now are blessed with a frozen dog house. The fact that we are not alone is not that great a consolation. We are fortunate enough to live close to the school, so that we can shower over there, and bring containers of drinking water as well. It is kind of a pain in the ass, but it beats not having that alternative.
There will apparently be some highly irritated contact with the Tribal administration tomorrow, and perhaps that will get the problem solved by some time during the weekend. Until then, we do our hygiene business at the school.
Tomorrow closes out the first week back to school. One down, seventeen to go. We have a working day on Saturday, which will give me a chance to do a number of things that I want to work on. As for now, I am waiting for some laundry to dry so that I can quit falling asleep in my chair and just go to bed. I still like it here, anyway...
Also ranking high on the irritation meter is the news that our septic tank is frozen. For those to whom I have not previously explained this, we have closed water/sewer systems. Water is pumped into a holding tank inside the house. All waste and waste water go into a holding tank outside called a "dog house." The dog house is pumped out twice a week. Or so it is supposed to be. It appears that nothing of the sort was done over the holidays. We now are blessed with a frozen dog house. The fact that we are not alone is not that great a consolation. We are fortunate enough to live close to the school, so that we can shower over there, and bring containers of drinking water as well. It is kind of a pain in the ass, but it beats not having that alternative.
There will apparently be some highly irritated contact with the Tribal administration tomorrow, and perhaps that will get the problem solved by some time during the weekend. Until then, we do our hygiene business at the school.
Tomorrow closes out the first week back to school. One down, seventeen to go. We have a working day on Saturday, which will give me a chance to do a number of things that I want to work on. As for now, I am waiting for some laundry to dry so that I can quit falling asleep in my chair and just go to bed. I still like it here, anyway...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I Really Had A Lot To Say Earlier...
But I think that I forgot most of it, at least for now...the day was a good one, and the kids were really pretty good. I may get the chance to go to Anchorage in February for some training, which strikes me as a good thing, because I always like the idea of more training, and I like Anchorage.
I did finally get around to ordering that spin bike, and now I can await its arrival with bated breath. We (my crazy biking friends and I) are looking at doing the Ride Around Torch ride put on by the Cherry Capital Cycling Club in July. It will be good to be able to train on the spinner right up until we leave at the end of May. That may actually be better than being in Cadillac and dealing with the extremely fickle spring weather there.
We were supposed to have a home basketball game Friday night, so that I could have seen the frenzied phenomenon that is Hawk basketball, but that seems likely to be put on hold. There was apparently a very bad accident while I was gone, and someone ended up dead. My understanding is that the body will be in the village tomorrow, and all b-ball activities will be suspended for now. Another home game is scheduled for next weekend. I am not clear on when exactly the funeral will be held.
I have been doing some preliminary discussion with my co-teachers about a direction to take now that we are all working together in the junior high. I think that we will address it in more depth when we have our Saturday work day.
Aside from that, and some extremely pleasant developments that are work related, but that I will not discuss here, I can't really remember what it was that I wanted to say.
Maybe something about maqiq...
I did finally get around to ordering that spin bike, and now I can await its arrival with bated breath. We (my crazy biking friends and I) are looking at doing the Ride Around Torch ride put on by the Cherry Capital Cycling Club in July. It will be good to be able to train on the spinner right up until we leave at the end of May. That may actually be better than being in Cadillac and dealing with the extremely fickle spring weather there.
We were supposed to have a home basketball game Friday night, so that I could have seen the frenzied phenomenon that is Hawk basketball, but that seems likely to be put on hold. There was apparently a very bad accident while I was gone, and someone ended up dead. My understanding is that the body will be in the village tomorrow, and all b-ball activities will be suspended for now. Another home game is scheduled for next weekend. I am not clear on when exactly the funeral will be held.
I have been doing some preliminary discussion with my co-teachers about a direction to take now that we are all working together in the junior high. I think that we will address it in more depth when we have our Saturday work day.
Aside from that, and some extremely pleasant developments that are work related, but that I will not discuss here, I can't really remember what it was that I wanted to say.
Maybe something about maqiq...
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Glad To Be Here...
My knuckleheads and I were reunited today, and it was good. They seemed pretty much glad to see me and I was also glad to see them. It is very tiring to do that stuff all day. I forgot that over the holidays. It took a long time to warm up and stretch after work. I have had a chance to talk about some tentative plans with the other folks who work with the junior high. I think that we could come up with some exciting plans for the semester. It's not paradise, and I know there will be crappy days (maybe tomorrow), but it was a good start.
So, the race to May has begun-I hope that we will be able to get some good things done. By the way, I am also glad that Betty walked away from the plane crash today. I will keep asking how she is feeling tomorrow.
So, the race to May has begun-I hope that we will be able to get some good things done. By the way, I am also glad that Betty walked away from the plane crash today. I will keep asking how she is feeling tomorrow.
Here Goes Nothin (Part 2)...
It's 7:33 am and time to get into the shower and get ready for work. How a bunch of 13-year-olds can get me so keyed up is beyond me, but there you have it. My mentor should be coming in today, weather permitting, so we will have one more guest in the classroom. I wonder how all of this is going to work...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Back In PKA For The Winter...
Where to start? Saturday was the beginning of our journey back to Napaskiak. We drove for about five hours from Cadillac to O'Hare airport in Chicago. We stopped briefly and saw my sister for one last time before spring. All of the travel transitions went mercifully smoothly. It is suggested that I have a hard time adjusting to the Alaskan habit of traveling "heavy." Truer words could not be spoken. I hate it. There are so many moving parts to keep track of. I am frankly surprised that I did not leave my head or a leg somewhere, most likely in the TSA line. Don't even get me going on that subject.
Six hours and change after we finally took off from O'Hare (late), we arrived in Anchorage. We overnighted at a hotel called the Puffin Inn. Quaint, huh? Close to the airport, and pet-friendly. Hard to beat.
Sunday was grocery shopping morning (I opted out) which resulted in the magical appearance of another two totes to the lineup of Things To Go On The Plane and Unload and Load In Various Places. See my thoughts on "Alaskan" travel above...
We nonetheless managed to get all of this crap and three dogs safely to Bethel, where the temperature was a balmy -15, combined with a thirty mile per hour wind speed. Loading all of the crap was fun under those circumstances. Joe Bavilla, our site secretary, and my steaming sensei, was gracious enough to pick us up and drive us down the ice highway to Napaskiak.
There had been a series of break-ins at the school and in teacher housing over the holiday break, and we learned that we had also been victimized when we got back to the house. At least they were kind enough to close the window through which they had entered. There is not all that much of value that was left here, but I suppose if you are going to break in, you had better steal something for your trouble. An older iPod of mine was missing, along with some granola bars and three cans of V-8 juice.
The theft that really sucked came in the bedroom. The dumb shit stole our blankets. Actually, a down comforter, and a couple of pillows. For God's sake...
Anyway, we had spares around, a fact for which I was personally grateful. A very nice state trooper came to the school and talked to all of the theft victims about the incident. He had a few theories about the break-ins. It will be interesting to see how his hunches play out.
Monday was inservice day, and, more importantly, laundry day. I got four loads done and learned about positive behavior mamagement. A big day, to be sure. I spent a good deal of the late afternoon and early evening working to post new information to the classroom. I moved my desk space out of the high school area and into the junior high room. I will be there all day this semester.
All of this has lead me to this spot-10:50 P.M., and ready for bed. Tomorrow brings the students back into my life. I am told that the simple fact of my return will affect their behavior. We shall see how that works out.
On to adventure!
Six hours and change after we finally took off from O'Hare (late), we arrived in Anchorage. We overnighted at a hotel called the Puffin Inn. Quaint, huh? Close to the airport, and pet-friendly. Hard to beat.
Sunday was grocery shopping morning (I opted out) which resulted in the magical appearance of another two totes to the lineup of Things To Go On The Plane and Unload and Load In Various Places. See my thoughts on "Alaskan" travel above...
We nonetheless managed to get all of this crap and three dogs safely to Bethel, where the temperature was a balmy -15, combined with a thirty mile per hour wind speed. Loading all of the crap was fun under those circumstances. Joe Bavilla, our site secretary, and my steaming sensei, was gracious enough to pick us up and drive us down the ice highway to Napaskiak.
There had been a series of break-ins at the school and in teacher housing over the holiday break, and we learned that we had also been victimized when we got back to the house. At least they were kind enough to close the window through which they had entered. There is not all that much of value that was left here, but I suppose if you are going to break in, you had better steal something for your trouble. An older iPod of mine was missing, along with some granola bars and three cans of V-8 juice.
The theft that really sucked came in the bedroom. The dumb shit stole our blankets. Actually, a down comforter, and a couple of pillows. For God's sake...
Anyway, we had spares around, a fact for which I was personally grateful. A very nice state trooper came to the school and talked to all of the theft victims about the incident. He had a few theories about the break-ins. It will be interesting to see how his hunches play out.
Monday was inservice day, and, more importantly, laundry day. I got four loads done and learned about positive behavior mamagement. A big day, to be sure. I spent a good deal of the late afternoon and early evening working to post new information to the classroom. I moved my desk space out of the high school area and into the junior high room. I will be there all day this semester.
All of this has lead me to this spot-10:50 P.M., and ready for bed. Tomorrow brings the students back into my life. I am told that the simple fact of my return will affect their behavior. We shall see how that works out.
On to adventure!
Friday, January 15, 2010
A Deep Breath...
The breath before the plunge, and the breath that comes with deep's time to go home to my students and my work. I don't get that root canal that I had been looking forward to. I guess that we will make the best of it for the next four months, and hope that nothing happens in the meantime. I do have an extra supply of antibiotic in case...
We said goodbye to our Cadillac friends tonight. Many of them have apparently become secret fans of this blog. I found out what happens when you think that you are recording private musings...silly fool that I am. It was very sweet and very nice and very emotional. I feel as if I am lucky enough to have two homes and people who care about me in each place. It is overwhelming, but in a good way. I said something yesterday about my love for Cadillac. I must really be more specific. I meant to say that I love all of the people who have been a big part of my life here for the past 23 years and who will continue to be an enormous part of it into the future, especially the folks who turned out tonight. Partner, I hope that all goes well for you, and that your children continue to make you proud of them. Nancy, I look forward to picking back up on those chats that we have in your office come the first of June. Steve, keep kicking the bad guys right in the ass as often as you get the chance. Dawn and Eric, thanks for being there in quiet ways that we don't always know about but most definitely appreciate.
Ann, you will always be my other girlfriend, no matter what. Lorri-the R.A.T. is July 18, and you had better send an invite for the graduation parties, or I will have to flash the tough guy pose at you. Seriously, folks, I love you all. I hope that all will be well in your lives. I will see all of you come Memorial Day, if not sooner.
We said goodbye to our Cadillac friends tonight. Many of them have apparently become secret fans of this blog. I found out what happens when you think that you are recording private musings...silly fool that I am. It was very sweet and very nice and very emotional. I feel as if I am lucky enough to have two homes and people who care about me in each place. It is overwhelming, but in a good way. I said something yesterday about my love for Cadillac. I must really be more specific. I meant to say that I love all of the people who have been a big part of my life here for the past 23 years and who will continue to be an enormous part of it into the future, especially the folks who turned out tonight. Partner, I hope that all goes well for you, and that your children continue to make you proud of them. Nancy, I look forward to picking back up on those chats that we have in your office come the first of June. Steve, keep kicking the bad guys right in the ass as often as you get the chance. Dawn and Eric, thanks for being there in quiet ways that we don't always know about but most definitely appreciate.
Ann, you will always be my other girlfriend, no matter what. Lorri-the R.A.T. is July 18, and you had better send an invite for the graduation parties, or I will have to flash the tough guy pose at you. Seriously, folks, I love you all. I hope that all will be well in your lives. I will see all of you come Memorial Day, if not sooner.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Still Alive...
It appears that I have managed to pick up a nasty little infection in my tooth, and I am taking all kinds of pills to clear it up. I will go back to do what's necessary to finish the damn thing off on Friday. The medecine is already helping with the pain and seems to have helped to reduce some of the swelling.
We are getting close to departure day after our long break. It has been absolutely great to come back and see family and friends. We have managed to see quite a lot of people and have been pretty active nearly every day of the time. Now it is time to get back to work and our schoolkids. I know that it will be a challenge, but it is one that I welcome.
I had a chance to reflect the other day on why it is that I do this, and why it is growing on me. It may sound corny, but I do believe that every kid is potentially reachable, no matter what they say or do. I may not succeed, but I definitely plan on trying. That is my philosophy of education-not very fancy or theoretical. It will be good to be back in the classroom.
As I think about my love for the village, and my love for Cadillac, and my love for Chelsea, I realize how truly fortunate I am and what an adventure my life has become. What more could I ask for?
We are getting close to departure day after our long break. It has been absolutely great to come back and see family and friends. We have managed to see quite a lot of people and have been pretty active nearly every day of the time. Now it is time to get back to work and our schoolkids. I know that it will be a challenge, but it is one that I welcome.
I had a chance to reflect the other day on why it is that I do this, and why it is growing on me. It may sound corny, but I do believe that every kid is potentially reachable, no matter what they say or do. I may not succeed, but I definitely plan on trying. That is my philosophy of education-not very fancy or theoretical. It will be good to be back in the classroom.
As I think about my love for the village, and my love for Cadillac, and my love for Chelsea, I realize how truly fortunate I am and what an adventure my life has become. What more could I ask for?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Well, yesterday started out well enough. It even stayed that way for most of the day. It didn't turn out so well, however.
I went down to Grand Rapids first thing in the morning to visit at the worker's compensation court where I practiced law for so many years. I saw many old and dear friends, and was able to share part of my story with them. I hope that I was able to satisfactorily answer all the questions that I was asked. It sounds as if things continue to be rough in the state of Michigan as far as the economy is concerned. It is sad to see what appears to be very difficult times for a group of people that I have always found to be fair and professional.
I went out later on with some of my old work mates for a long evening at the local tavern. Fortunately, it was a school night, so good sense prevailed (pretty much). Unfortunately, my tooth began bothering me in the course of the evening. I have a bridge on the bottom left side of my mouth, and that was inadvertently pulled out during Monday's dental work. It seemed to have been cemented back into place without incident, but now it appears that there may be an abcess there. Nasty business-I haven't had one of those in over twenty years. Now it is imperative that I get it fixed before I leave. That may prove to be a significant challenge. Stay tuned for dental drama...
I went down to Grand Rapids first thing in the morning to visit at the worker's compensation court where I practiced law for so many years. I saw many old and dear friends, and was able to share part of my story with them. I hope that I was able to satisfactorily answer all the questions that I was asked. It sounds as if things continue to be rough in the state of Michigan as far as the economy is concerned. It is sad to see what appears to be very difficult times for a group of people that I have always found to be fair and professional.
I went out later on with some of my old work mates for a long evening at the local tavern. Fortunately, it was a school night, so good sense prevailed (pretty much). Unfortunately, my tooth began bothering me in the course of the evening. I have a bridge on the bottom left side of my mouth, and that was inadvertently pulled out during Monday's dental work. It seemed to have been cemented back into place without incident, but now it appears that there may be an abcess there. Nasty business-I haven't had one of those in over twenty years. Now it is imperative that I get it fixed before I leave. That may prove to be a significant challenge. Stay tuned for dental drama...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Yet Another Day of Light Blogging...
I need to get a cavity repaired that is under a crown, so I get to spend about two hours in a dental chair this afternoon. The wife of a dear friend of mine has died, so I need to get to Traverse City this afternoon for the visitation/memorial service, as time allows. We were supposed to have dinner with another friend, but that may get a little screwed up because of the funeral situation.
For now, it is off to the new YMCA to swim in their very nice looking pool. It's a part of our New Year's resolution to get at least four days of exercise in every week.
I will post additionally as I get the time...
For now, it is off to the new YMCA to swim in their very nice looking pool. It's a part of our New Year's resolution to get at least four days of exercise in every week.
I will post additionally as I get the time...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A Very Busy Day
Up and off to The Blue Heron for breakfast, followed by a nap (later), a trip to the new YMCA for a little walking on the track there, followed by spinning class at Pine Grove Athletic Club-got my membership there after that to an excellent restaurant in Traverse City called The Cook's House, topped off with The Hate Bowl (Iggles-Cowboys-hate 'em both). It was a beautiful sunny day, and it promises to become a chilly night.
I plan to post some pictures up here tomorrow, so that my friends from Alaska can see what kind of snow we actually get here. It is currently -6 here. We are in deep discussion over the purchase of a spin bike that will allow us to get in biking shape for next spring. Only a week to go until our return to Napaskiak. It has been a fun break so far, but it is time to start thinking about school and kids and inservices. I am excited about the prospect of returning.
I plan to post some pictures up here tomorrow, so that my friends from Alaska can see what kind of snow we actually get here. It is currently -6 here. We are in deep discussion over the purchase of a spin bike that will allow us to get in biking shape for next spring. Only a week to go until our return to Napaskiak. It has been a fun break so far, but it is time to start thinking about school and kids and inservices. I am excited about the prospect of returning.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Quick Updates
We did not leave the Detroit area last night after all. A good deal of snow made driving extremely difficult. We chose to stay with my parents and watch the national championship football game, which I preferred to driving.
We did return to the Cadillac area this afternoon, did some visiting, and will be off to the high school hockey game to see some of our friends' sons play. Tomorrow is spin class, and marks the beginning of our last week of winter break. It will likely be a busy one, as there are many things do be done, including visiting with friends and shopping for those items that we just can't find easily back in Napaskiak.
I hope to get some more pictures at the game tonight and afterward.
We did return to the Cadillac area this afternoon, did some visiting, and will be off to the high school hockey game to see some of our friends' sons play. Tomorrow is spin class, and marks the beginning of our last week of winter break. It will likely be a busy one, as there are many things do be done, including visiting with friends and shopping for those items that we just can't find easily back in Napaskiak.
I hope to get some more pictures at the game tonight and afterward.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Weather Moving In?
The word is that we are going to get snow that will hit at the beginning of the evening rush hour, which coincides neatly with the time that I will need to go to the airport to pick up the redhead...sounds as if travel plans may be in a little bit of flux today and tonight...oh well, I apparently have not yet worn out my welcome here. I should get busy and take some pictures of my surroundings for the edification of my readers.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Home and Hearth
I spent an extremely lazy, unfocused day today at my parents' house, broken only by a couple of skyping spells and a quick trip out for coffee. I got the internet up and running here, which meant that I did not have to concern myself with getting to the library and dealing with any wireless issues there.
Later in the day, we went to the house of my sister Lisa and her husband Brian, who are always fine hosts for any social gathering. I got to see my two beautiful nieces and my growing and handsome nephew, who I obliged by showing how his aged uncle could still whup him...
Pictures will follow, as I am going to try to kind of document my life back here as best I can for my students and friends back in Napaskiak. I plan on taking and uploading lots of pictures in the next several days.

Later in the day, we went to the house of my sister Lisa and her husband Brian, who are always fine hosts for any social gathering. I got to see my two beautiful nieces and my growing and handsome nephew, who I obliged by showing how his aged uncle could still whup him...
Pictures will follow, as I am going to try to kind of document my life back here as best I can for my students and friends back in Napaskiak. I plan on taking and uploading lots of pictures in the next several days.

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