Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kimchee in Bethel...

Well, let's catch up on the week. I have been posting on the fly, but haven't really had the time to present anything in any detail.

I have made numerous refrences to my cold. It is slowly sinking into the west like the sunset after spending about a week with me. Visitors are nice out here, but not so much with this one. Not awful, mind you, but it sucked up an awful lot of my spare energy during the week. Anything much beyond work, dishes, and laundry was just not happening. I will not miss it.

The new spin bike is here, and my bike gear got here today. I can now get after it, because I am feeling better. I am only waiting for the sport package stuff that I ordered to get here, because it did not get here with the bike. I will probably call on Monday morning during my prep period to make sure that the order is not glitched up. The option in question provides us with a bunch of workout dvd's, a padded seat cover (hmmm), and SPD-compatible pedals. The riders out there know what I am talking about. I would like to be able to clip in. I am still pretty happy, because this allows us to start preparing for the summer biking season.

We had two days of parent-teacher conferences this week and a funeral, so there was only one full day of school with the students. Mine were flakier as the week went on, and one got herself suspended for taking a swing at me when I had the temerity to ask her to remove herself from the table on which she insisted on lying. Oh, well, we will see her sometime late next week. The rest of the week was comparatively quiet.

I got some exciting news this morning from one of my colleagues in AKT2 that had seriously been contemplating quitting. A week ago, he seemed pretty resolute in his decision. He Skyped me today with the news that he believes that he has changed his mind. I am excited for him, if this is what he wants. I think that he has great potential, and can do some very good things wherever he decides to be.

This was yet another of our long weeks. We did the long day's journey into PD last night and this morning. It was ok. We have some more left to go before the end of the school year. It will be fine. We might even learn something. Some of these sessions are more informative than others. I actually thought there was some merit to the stuff we did this weekend.

Basketball was fun all around. I mostly stood around while little kids who will (I hope) eventually be my students asked me all kinds of questions. The games that I saw were pretty exciting, and our kids won them all. We had three schools here, and I saw the boys' and girls' teams play twice. Most of the kids have already been students of mine when I was still over in high school, so it was much fun to root for them to do well.

Finally, there appears to have been an apprehension of suspects in the recent break-ins. The former student who was expelled for attacking one of our teachers and his younger brother were apparently found to be in possession of stolen goods from various places. They apparently also had a fairly substantial amount of cash with them. The VPSO (Village Police and Safety Officer) who arrested them runs sled dogs. His best dog was shot to death last night. Whether the two events are connected is not clear. Things may get interesting around here. I will continue to post on this story as it continues to develop. There is an element around here who like to style themselves as "gangsta" types. They are becoming less amusing with the passage of time.

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