Monday, January 25, 2010

Ain't That Something...

Qkay. So you know that the water supply to this and several others have been inoperative. So far, so good. I got up this morning, and when the need kicked in, made my way over to the school for the necessaries and a shower. A little after 7:00 am, the alarm went off. Only thing was, it didn't sound like the alarm clock. In fact, as I walked toward the bedroom, it got fainter. A puzzling mystery, to be sure.

I walked back toward the front of the house. We heat with a "stove"that uses fuel oil. The stove was chiming gently, but insistently. The little display screen read: "E 16." I don't know what the 16 is about, but, while the "E" has always stood for excellent in my book, I think it meant we were out of fuel oil!

I was able to confirm this understanding quickly. I trust that it will be rectified in short order sometime this morning. In case you are wondering, it is -6 as I write this. Again, so far, so good.

It was now time to walk the dogs so that they could do their morning thing. As we were doing that, the power in the entire village went out. That's right, pitch black (except for the dim glow from the snow). This allowed us to note one more casualty of the recent break-ins. Our flashlights. No one will be able to argue to me anymore that laptops aren't useful. The glow from their screens lit our way around the house until the power came back on after about fifteen minutes.

Voila! Only, there still isn't any water or heat, and the lights just went out again.

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