Friday, January 15, 2010

A Deep Breath...

The breath before the plunge, and the breath that comes with deep's time to go home to my students and my work. I don't get that root canal that I had been looking forward to. I guess that we will make the best of it for the next four months, and hope that nothing happens in the meantime. I do have an extra supply of antibiotic in case...

We said goodbye to our Cadillac friends tonight. Many of them have apparently become secret fans of this blog. I found out what happens when you think that you are recording private musings...silly fool that I am. It was very sweet and very nice and very emotional. I feel as if I am lucky enough to have two homes and people who care about me in each place. It is overwhelming, but in a good way. I said something yesterday about my love for Cadillac. I must really be more specific. I meant to say that I love all of the people who have been a big part of my life here for the past 23 years and who will continue to be an enormous part of it into the future, especially the folks who turned out tonight. Partner, I hope that all goes well for you, and that your children continue to make you proud of them. Nancy, I look forward to picking back up on those chats that we have in your office come the first of June. Steve, keep kicking the bad guys right in the ass as often as you get the chance. Dawn and Eric, thanks for being there in quiet ways that we don't always know about but most definitely appreciate.

Ann, you will always be my other girlfriend, no matter what. Lorri-the R.A.T. is July 18, and you had better send an invite for the graduation parties, or I will have to flash the tough guy pose at you. Seriously, folks, I love you all. I hope that all will be well in your lives. I will see all of you come Memorial Day, if not sooner.

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