Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Friday Already?

My cold is better, and the week has run away from me. I forgot to blog last night, at least in part because I find that I am really tired at the end of every day. Then I get what should be a good nights sleep, and wake up more tired than I felt when I went to sleep the previous night. It has been kind of a time warp week, what with various events that have happened. So I am sitting in a professional development session during a break and typing this. I promise that I will get back to the events of the week sometime this weekend when I get the chance. We have another hour and a half tonight, and half a day tomorrow, with a bunch of basketball games thrown in for good measure. Anyway, I promise to sit down and recount the week's event when I get the chance, because there are some good stories to tell. It's just a matter of finding the time. I'll do it-I just can't say when. It will be this weekend.

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