Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Much Better

The little folks got it together today. Some of the worse elements were not there, but a few were, and they seemed able to keep it more or less together for the day. This is not to say perfection was achieved, but things were better. A couple of kids stayed after school to get aheadon their reading tests. A couple more passed during the day. One girl passed a math test. From these small, fleeting victories, I find sustainance. It is really great being out here, so the tough days with the kids tend to be the only really hard part of the picture. The rest is pretty darn good.

I have been getting lots of compliments on my new haircut today, at least from the adults. The kids have pretty much been giving me crap. Isn't that the way it always goes? One of the teachers actually thought that I was a visitor, from a distance. Funny stuff.

We are coming to the end of junior high basketball season, and the kids are really focused on eligibility. I suspect that my influence on them may decline markedly after the season concludes.

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