Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Testing, Day I...

Yawn...my students were actually pretty tolerant of the whole thing, which is gratifying, if mystifying. I hate to do the "when I was your age" thing, but we actually had it better in that respect when I was a kid. I recall a standardized test being given every couple of years or so to see where the student had advanced. These kids are now on a schedule of at least one, perhaps two, and maybe even three different tests in the course of a semester. The efficacy of this approach is clear as regards the profit margins of the companies that prepare the tests. Given the level of moaning about academic achievement in this country, the benefit conveyed upon the students is more difficult to discern.

As for me, I was bored out of my mind. I wonder if tolerance for that is a necessary prerequisite for this line of work.

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