Thursday, October 1, 2009

It's Thursday...

And you know what that means...the weekend!! OK, not quite yet, but close. It will actually be pretty busy, because I have to do some heavy duty lesson planning this weekend-the last couple of weeks have pretty seriously depleted my quiver of arrows...but it will be nice to face a weekend feeling rested and healthy.

As for the job, it is ok. Some days, or parts of days, are simply better than others. There is no real way to tell which is which, or anticipate how it will happen. There is an enormous amount to learn, and never enough time in which to learn it. There are so many things that need doing, and never enough time. That is why we drink during our summers off. I have learned this already.

It has been suggested that the tone of this little blog is too negative. I can't say whether that is true. You folks need to tell me that. I'm just kind of reflecting what happens as it does, and as I react to it. If it sounds like I am miserable, the truth is that I am from time to time. I don't think that this is a bad place, or that everyone except me is a monster. Sometimes things just suck. On the other hand, some very good experiences have happened here already. Try to keep these pieces in balance.

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