Saturday, November 7, 2009

Back Across The Frozen Kuskokwim

After two days of training in digital storytelling, I have returned to Napaskiak. We were met at the airport by a festive delegation including the school's 4-wheeler and a trailer. There were four passengers and an impressive array of cargo, including two fish tanks, five vegetable boxes, at least six boxes of groceries, and we haven't even begun discussing bags. People in the Bush definitely tend to travel heavy. I have nostalgic reveries of my days traipsing through airports wearing a t-shirt and shorts, a pair of flip-flops, and a knapsack. Travel here tends to resemble more closely the movement of Napoleon's army across Europe. I feel curiously leaden on these little jaunts. Even a quick couple of days in Anchorage require several plastic totes, because, after all, there is always the obligatory trip to Fred Meyer or Sam's Club.

I understand the necessity and the economy of this approach. It is the way that it has to be. But it makes travel more of a drudge. Of course, any travel that involves six hours in a plane is going to have serious drudgery issues, anyway...

Oh, and by the way, Apple and its damn iMovie app anyway. It lost two projects that I was working on, or at least two versions of the same project. I don't know why, and our tech muse, the amazing Erin Kavanaugh was not around on Saturday night to try to explain its disappearance. Bummer. Looks like it's back to square one. The app is supposed to auto-save projects. Guess what...

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