Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday Market Adventures

It was up and off to Bethel this morning, albeit a little later than expected. The crafts at the market were all very nice, and I picked up a little Christmas something for someone. I think that I will play it close to the vest for now. I did break down and pick up something a little warmer to put on my head. Sara Rearden is one of the teachers here. Her mother lives in Bethel and also works for LKSD. She was selling some of her work, and I took a liking to a hat made of seal and beaver. Very warm. Especially good for the back of a snowmachine. This scenic shot was taken at the gas station, where the price of gasoline will make even the most hardened Californian blanch with terror and disgust. See above for confirmation. After the market, we headed to a store that was described to me as the local equivalent of Sam's club. In other words, big packages of stuff. I picked up a 28-pack of popcorn, which should stand me in good stead until Christmas. The holidays will be here very quickly. Tuesday is the first of December. As I type this, it makes me excited to think about going back to Michigan to see friends and family. It also makes me realize how much has happened since August. The adventure continues...


  1. Please note, that in the picture with Ben in int, he is sitting on my snowmachine, you can tell cause behind him it says 'Red's Sled" and the shopping has already been done and is in the boxes that are in the back.

    Next weekend is the Lion's Club market, more shopping :)

  2. Gas was $5.34 today at Nicholson's. I'm shopping Crowley's from now on!
