Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Shall Be Observed...

(To the tune of "I Shall Be Released.") Betty is here, so I get to get watched some more. It was kind of a really sketchy and mixed day. Kids were together in the morning and really screwy in the afternoon. One of our special needs kids, who is becoming big and scary strong, broke the window in his room today. The room is right next to the junior high room. Of course, everyone of those chuckleheads immediately wanted to go see the fun. They had break, and didn't want to go back to their classroom, but rather, to head in the same direction that this kid had gone. Christ. I suppose if he had killed one or two of them...I actually do like a couple of the little gremlins, so I probably would have been sad. On the other hand, there are a couple of them...

I got to see and talk with Alex Chaney outside on the boardwalk. He is one of the 2008 senior class that stayed at my house in Cadillac. Life seems to be going well for him. He wanted to know how I was enjoying the cold weather. I asked him what cold weather he was talking about. He didn't know that it gets this cold back in Cadillac. I have had some interesting conversations while taking the dogs out the last couple of days. Last night, I ran into Father Victor on the boardwalk. We chatted for a few minutes in the -7 cold.

It hasn't been much above zero for the past several days. I just checked the weather on, for any of you out there who like to check out that kind of thing from time to time. It is currently -4, which is actually warmer than it has been, but the wind has picked up, and the wind chill is -22. The forecast suggests that it may actually warm up slightly in the next few days.

Time to finish the SIOP book-I got reviewed again today. Everyone is laughing because I have been getting followed around so much lately. It goes with the job, as far as I can tell...time to relax and eat dinner-tomorrow is the long day's journey into PD...

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